Telcos are not doing well in customer service surveys
Consumer New Zealand Chief Executive Sue Chetwin speaks about why telcos and internet service providers performed poorly in a customer service survey. Audio
Digital resurrection
When software developer Eugenia Kuyda’s best friend Roman died, she and some fellow software engineers used his texts and emails to create an interactive Roman bot. Audio
Turnbull responds to Trump's 'dumb deal' tweet
Australian PM Malcolm Turnbull says US President Donald Trump "ended their call courteously" and did not hang up. Audio
Seriously ill Royal Albatross chick making a comeback
A Royal Albatross developed fly strike, but is now recovering after being looked after by staff, says the Department of Conservation's threatened species ambassador, Nicola Toki. Video, Audio
Aus Correspondent discusses Trump / Turnbull phone call
US President Donald Trump is believed to have hung up on Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull. Political Correspondent for Fairfax Stephanie Peatling joins Checkpoint. Audio
When is a kilo not a kilo?
This Way Up's Simon Morton discovers how the weight measurement we call the kilogram is changing. Audio
Spark, Vodafone rated worst of telcos
A lack of telecommunications competition has led to complacency from the two big players, Consumer New Zealand says.
New technology with Paul Matthews
How big a role did big data play in Donald Trump's election? Audio
Digital Sherlock Holmes
Kathryn Ryan talks to Alan Pearce, a journalist and digital privacy expert who advises other journalists, aid workers and human rights advocates in how to protect themselves online. The answer he says… Audio
Nose jobs for kids?
Kathryn Ryan talks with Auckland writer Angela Barnett, who's launched the local chapter of an international petition against cosmetic surgery apps aimed at children. She says the apps encourage users… Audio
Losing our digital memory
What goes online does not always stay online. So much of our lives is recorded online now, with email instead of letters and instagram photos instead of Kodak ones. How do we preserve our history when… Audio
Uber: the billion dollar loss-maker
Since it was founded in 2009, Uber has expanded aggressively to more than 60 countries and is currently valued at $NZ93 billion. But one analyst insists its business model makes no sense. Audio
Women's Refuge outraged over intimate photo ruling
The CEO of Women's Refuge Ang Jury says he's happy the police will appeal a court ruling that a woman did not suffer serious emotional distress after her husband shared intimate photos of her online. Audio
Sexual abuse group says judge wrong on Facebook photo ruling
A judge has dismissed charges against a man who posted photos of his half naked wife on Facebook, without her permission. But as Sharon Brettkelly reports a women's sexual abuse group says he got it… Audio
Netsafe: half naked photo case did not meet threshold
Netsafe says a judge's decision to dismiss a charge against a man who posted half naked pictures of his wife on Facebook is a test of the new Harmful Digital Communications Act. Netsafe's executive… Audio
Spark apologies for major fault, says not good enough
Spark apologises for a hardware fault - and all the backup systems - failing yesterday meaning thousands were inconvenienced. "We did let ourselves down yesterday. It's not good enough." Audio
The Distance Plan - climate art
The new President of the United States, Donald Trump, might not believe in climate change, but a Kiwi artist now based there is working with climate scientists to persuade the public that it's… Video, Audio
New website for kids books
Book lovers Sarah Forster and Jane Arthur are determined to get people talking more about children's literature.
They're in the last stages of setting up an online magazine - The Sapling - all about… Audio
Trans-Tasman movies on demand
A new service offering only Australian-made films launched with a patriotic hiss and a roar on Australia Day this week. We already have such a service for Kiwi films - but who knew? Audio
Hacking the genetic alphabet
Professor Floyd Romesberg of the Scripps Research Institute in California is part of a research team that's added 2 extra, synthetic genetic 'letters' to ecoli bacteria, and these single-celled… Audio