The Future
Alexander Rose - 10,000 Year Clock
15 Feb 2015
Wallace talks to Alexander Rose, director of the Long Now Foundation, about a huge clock being built to go inside a mountain in Texas. It is designed to tick for 10,000 years and every so often it… Audio
The World in 2015 and 2050
3 Jan 2015
Since 2003 Daniel Franklin, the Executive Editor of The Economist, has stuck his neck out to predict the big trends and events internationally for the magazine's annual publication, The World in… Audio
Stefan Collini: future of universities
4 Oct 2014
Professor of English literature and intellectual history at the University of Cambridge, visiting New Zealand as the Distinguished Visiting Fellow in the School of Humanities at the University of… Audio
Ideas - Obsessing over the Future
19 Oct 2008
On Ideas today, we discuss the future and ways we predict it. Audio