Retraining the tinnitus brain
We’ve probably all experienced a little bit of tinnitus, or ringing in the ears, at some stage in our lives. But for some people this phantom sound in their brain can be loud, and permanent, and… Audio
Retraining the tinnitus brain
We’ve probably all experienced a little bit of tinnitus, or ringing in the ears, at some stage in our lives. But for some people this phantom sound in their brain can be loud, and permanent, and…
AudioA digital therapy for tinnitus
We’ve probably all experienced a little bit of tinnitus, or ringing in the ears, at some stage in our lives. But for some people, this phantom sound never goes away. Claire Concannon speaks to the… Audio
Tinnitus noise eased in Auckland study
Researchers at the University of Auckland hope they've made a breakthrough in the treatment of tinnitus - the phantom buzzing, ringing, roaring or hissing sound in our ears that can't be heard by… Audio
Tinnitus: why you get that ringing in your ears
Tinnitus can drive people to distraction. It affects around 15 to 20 percent of people and is more common in the over 65s. But a growing number of younger people are reporting it. February 5-11 is… Audio
Tinnitus: the causes and impact
What causes tinnitus? Why is it so much worse for some people? And is there a cure? Audio
This Way Up for 16 July 2016 (Part 2)
The Hum is described as an 'an anomalous sound heard around the world', a low frequency noise documented by thousands of people since the 70's, including hundreds of reported cases here in NZ. Then… Audio
Have you heard 'the Hum'?
It's been described as 'an anomalous sound heard around the world', a low frequency noise documented by thousands of people, including hundreds of reported cases here in NZ, since it was first… Audio
Naked science: what causes tinnitus?
Dr Chris Smith of the Naked Scientists looks at research led by US and Chinese scientists into the causes of tinnitus. Audio
Our Changing World - Tinnitus
Tinnitus, or ringing in the ears, affects up to 20% of all New Zealanders. Unfortunately for sufferers tinnitus can't be cured, but it can be managed and Alison Ballance heads to the University of… Audio
Tinnitus Treatment
Direct transcranial stimulation & digital hearing aids are being trialled as a treatment for tinnitus Audio