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Local media pushing back offshore invaders?
For years, the most comprehensive survey of Kiwis’ media habits has shown local media losing ground to offshore invaders. This year it says we’re ‘settling down’ and local media may be ‘stabilising’…
Sports rights storm gathers steam
A typhoon over Tokyo scrapped Rugby World Cup games this weekend – while the scrap over who will screen our favourite sports here in the future intensified.
Convergence: yesterday’s buzzword the new normal
Once upon a timeour major media companies and telcos were none of each others' business. Now they are all up in each others' business because of 'convergence' driven by digital technology and the… Audio
Sky rejigs its offerings - but what next?
Sky TV’s slashing of its prices was an inevitable response to cheaper digital entertainment options on the market. Can it keep and create customers in the online era when exclusive rights to the All…
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