Looking to the future for a low-lying wetland
Climate-change-induced sea level rise is happening. What will this mean for our low-lying wetlands? Will they get eroded away – releasing more carbon? Or will they grow at the same rate, and hold… Audio
Our Changing World – A wetland's climate future
Climate-change-induced sea level rise is happening. What will this mean for our low-lying wetlands? Will they get eroded away – releasing more carbon? Or will they grow at the same rate, and hold… Audio
Rare bird returns to Wairarapa wetlands
A distinctive booming sound is returning to the Wairarapa Moana. Most of the surrounding wetlands have been lost after land was drained for farming. Now, after years of rehabilitation work, more of… Video, Audio
Building a wetland on farm
A wetland at the bottom of a dairy farm in South Wairarapa is reducing most of the nitrates being drained from the paddocks. The project at Kaiwaiwai Dairies is nearly a decade old and one of the… Audio
Motupipi farm brings degraded wetland back to life
After being encouraged to drain wetlands on their farm in the 80s a Golden Bay couple are already seeing the benefits of transforming the land back to its natural state. Audio
Rugged farmland reverting back to bush
700 hectares of hill country on Nigel and Cathy Graham's Kaikoura farm is being retired. Income from honey and carbon credits are repacing livestock on the regenerating land. The couple have also… Audio
A Stream Runs Through it
The Canterbury Waterway Rehabilitation Experiment or CAREX is co-led by Professors Angus McIntosh and Jon Harding from the University of Canterbury's Freshwater Ecology Research Group. CAREX has… Audio, Gallery
A Waikato Wetland Project
Dairy NZ, in association with a number of other organisations has developed a two hundred and fifty thousand dollar wetland project on a Waikato farm. It aims to showcase two types of wetlands… Audio