Wilding Pines
Drones for pest control
Aotearoa is a country plagued by pests, but conservationists are hoping advances in drone technology could turn the tables. Producer William Ray looks at how drones are being trialled in controlling… Video, Audio
The Week in Detail: From craft beer to Barbie
The Detail podcast brings you the issues behind the news every weekday. Here's what we covered this week. Audio
Budget cuts see hard-won gains down the drain
Conservation projects across the country risk losing progress as money gets tighter and budgets are slashed. Audio
Unwelcome visitors
How to deal with unwelcome visitors. Katy Gosset learns about a native fungus that might help in the battle against wilding pines. And two national research programmes combine on an expedition to… Audio
Our Changing World - The pine-fighting fungus
Katy Gosset finds out about a native fungus that could help slow the spread of invasive wilding pines. Audio
Fight to eradicate wilding pines far from over - expert
The lead investigator of a nationwide fight against wilding pines says they can't stop work to eradicate wildings or risk the tide turning against them.
Planting trees a passion for puppeteer
Norbert Hausberg has swapped his marionettes for a modest set of hand tools. The Wellington artist and one time mayoral candidate is spending the winter planting natives on a steep hillside, that was… Audio
Battling Pines on Molesworth Station
Wilding pines are a huge problem on Molesworth Station, New Zealand's largest farm. We're out on a remote hillside with a gang of workers and their chainsaws. Many are new to the job including a young… Audio
On a mission to destroy wilding pines
Dr John Hellstrom is at the helm of a group leading the way in New Zealand in the battle against wilding pines which are being blamed for creating tinder box conditions in parts of the country. The… Audio
Tourism guides join the conservation battle on wilding pines
Kayak and glacier guides are turning their hand to clearing the country of wilding pines.
It's all part of a $1 billion government programme to get those laid off due to Covid-19 back in to work.
So… Video, Audio
Queenstown unemployed could soon be pulling out wilding pines
Hundreds of displaced Queenstown workers may be used to help tackle a growing pest problem - wilding pines.
It's part of the $100 million the government announced in March to help redeploy workers… Video, Audio
Eliminating wilding pines in the Marlborough Sounds
Ten years ago, many of the hills in the Marlborough sounds were riddled with wilding pines. But now the native bush has started to flourish, thanks to painstaking work by the Marlborough Sounds… Audio, Gallery
How to recycle your browning Christmas tree
DOC technical advisor Keith Briden warns of the major environmental dangers if Christmas trees are ditched in the wrong place. Audio
Govt told to stump up for wilding pine problem
The government is not properly fixing a pest problem created by its own plantations, a leading botanist says.
Nights Science - Botany
Auckland Botanical Gardens curator Bec Stanley on the chlorophyll-filled bio-mass that photosynthesises around us... jumping the garden fence - weeds Audio
Scientist warns wilding pines spreading expontentially
A leading scientist says wilding pines are spreading exponentially and if the government doesn't properly fund control efforts, the problem could get out of control. Wilding pines or conifers take… Audio
Call to help fight wilding pines
If it's time for your old Christmas tree to go, the Department of Conservation wants you to think carefully about how you get rid of it. Audio
Wilding pines go up in flames in name of science
Scientists set fire to blocks of wilding pines to study whether chemicals used to control the weedy trees change the fire hazard. Audio, Gallery
Turning pest trees into a successful business
Wilding and Co is a Queenstown company that has turned environmental efforts to deal with wilding pines into a successful business. The company extracts high quality oil for the perfume, essential oil… Audio
Wilding Pines battlers call on Govt for more help
A group trying to battle wilding pines in the Queenstown area have a strong message for the new incoming Conservation Minister, Maggie Barry. Audio