Lloyd Jones on telling parts of his life through poetry
Lloyd Jones is well known for his numerous novels including Mister Pip which won the Commonwealth Prize for Literature and was shortlisted for the Man Booker. Audio
Surrey Hotel writers residency winners announced
Steve Braunias returns to announce the winners of the Surrey Hotel-Newsroom writers residency award. Audio
Why the 8-hour workday is an outdated, counterproductive lie
How many hours in a typical workday do you work? For many people, it's not even close to eight. Mexico City-based journalist Lizzie Wade believes it's actually impossible for most of us to achieve… Audio
NZ's metalhead, cat-crazy, self-publishing romance queen
She has been legally blind since birth, but that hasn't stopped paranormal romance writer Steff Green (aka Stephanie Holmes) from undertaking a self-publishing career that sees her clear a six-figure… Audio
2019 Literary Moments: Pip Adam, Rachael King & Claire Mabey
The Booker, The Ockham, Atwood, Knox, The closure of the New Zealand Review of Books, covering up white suprematist posters in Newmarket with Hone Tuwahre's poem 'Rain', and Lloyd Jones' proclaiming… Audio
The rise of Germany's new ultranationalist intelligentsia
The far right in East Germany has long been associated with the disaffected masses, but there is a growing intellectual class helping to change the narrative. Julian Göpffarth's work focuses on the… Audio
Going West Writers' Festival launches this Friday
Something very cool is happening this Friday in West Auckland ... music will fill the air! And the soaring voices of some of our wisest, cleverest, most insightful and inventive writers. Audio
Author incomes drop
A new study has found Canadian writers are earning 27 per cent less than they were three years ago. Average incomes dropped to just over $9,000 in that time. Audio
The media's handling of the Jami-Lee Ross saga
The Prime Minister says more care needs to be taken with the mental health of MPs following the news over the weekend that Jami-Lee Ross went into mental health care. Audio
Doing a writers' festival a little differently
The four-day Manawatu Writers' Festival is the only free event of its type in New Zealand. Organiser Rachel Doré joins us to talk about making literature accessible and which authors she's most… Audio
Fishing for Maui deals with depression, fatigue - and good food
Isa Pearl Ritchie writes about a family in crisis in her novel, Fishing for Maui, drawing on her own experiences as a young person who's struggled with depression, anxiety and chronic fatigue. Audio
Steve Braunias announces the winner of his writers fellowship
He calls it New Zealand's premiere literary award. The winning writer gets to stay at the Surrey Hotel in Auckland for a week, with a pizza allowance, a Sunday roast and 500 dollars. Audio
Leslie Jamison - The Recovering: Intoxication and its Aftermath
In her new book, The Recovering: Intoxication and its Aftermath, Leslie Jamison lays bare her own recovery from alcoholism and delves into the drinking and recovery stories of other writers and… Audio
New Pacific writers' residency in Wellington for 2019
Applications open for new Pacific writer residency in Wellington for 2019. Audio
Lisa Dwan: A body of Beckett
Samuel Beckett remains one of the most perplexing writers of all time - his play Waiting for Godot is a prime example of a play that keeps people guessing and academics debating. But it's Beckett's… Audio
The Travels of Charles Burney
Peter Hoar looks at the writings of 18th-Century music historian, Charles Burney. Audio
Making a living from your pen
It'll come as no surprise to New Zealand authors that it's not easy making a living. But it's also getting harder. Very few can make writing a fulltime career, it's harder than ever to find… Audio
Art, Life, Music - Gavin Bishop
Gavin Bishop - illustrator, co-creator of such beloved characters as Mr Whistler, Quaky Cat, and Mrs McGinty, writer of quirky original stories, and re-teller of European classics and Maori mythology… Audio, Gallery
Canadian Steven Loft and First Nations curators
Steven Loft's Jewish mother escaped Nazi Germany as a young girl, and his Mohawk father is from the Iroquois community of Six Nations in Ontario. Audio
Katherine Mansfield's poetic side
After several discoveries of previously unknown poems by Katherine Mansfield in recent years, all her authenticated poetry has just been published for the first time in one collection. Co-editor… Audio, Gallery