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Honest Wolf - accessories from the Turakina Valley
Sophie and Sam Hurley are turning some of their wool clip into bags, caps, wallets and laptop sleeves. They've been in business less than a year but orders are flying out the door - or rather rumbling… Audio
On the Farm - a wrap of farming conditions around NZ
Farmers are starting to struggle in a drier than normal autumn in many places around the country. In Hawkes Bay apple picking conditions have been fabulous with fine, windless days. Audio
Heartland Tractor Trek heads south
A group of tractor loving mates are driving their vintage Chamberlains around New Zealand to raise money for Heart Kids New Zealand. The charity provides essential support for families that have a… Audio
Country Life for 16 April 2021
Deer farming in the roar, hunter gatherers who have honed their survival skills, an entrepreneurial farming couple who are now making caps and bags from their wool clip and the Regional Wrap.
James Cameron explains dairy cows on Wairarapa farm
Film director James Cameron is defending his decision to graze hundreds of dairy cattle on his farm, despite being an outspoken critic of animal agriculture.
Cameron and his wife, environmentalist… Video, Audio
Midday Rural News for 16 April 2021
Farmers are being urged to think about how to adapt their systems to the changing climate. Audio
Vet, farmer, romance writer Danielle Hawkins
Kathryn meets Waikato vet, farmer, mother, and romance writer Danielle Hawkins. She has four bestselling rural romantic fiction books in print, and her new book Two Shakes of a Lamb's Tail - is a… Audio
Food growing land being eaten up - report
A new report paints a stark picture of the environment under relentless pressure with urban sprawl and dariy intensification swallowing up productive food growing land. Audio
Rural News for 16 April 2020
News from the rural and farming sector. Audio
An eroded environment under pressure - new report paints grim picture
The Our Land 2021 report describes the loss of productive food growing land to urban sprawl, an eroded environment under pressure from more cows and increased intensification.
Solving the World's Problems with Steve Wyn-Harris
Today farmer Steve Wyn-Harris talks to Jesse about the death of the Duke of Edinburgh, mass vaccinations on farms and track conditions in the Hawkes Bay. Audio
Environmentally harmful food production must change
An environmental advocacy group says a new report shows farmers need to change how they produce food. The Environment Ministry and Stats NZ's Our Land 2021 -paints a stark picture of the environment… Audio
Best food growing land eaten by housing developments
The country's best land for growing food is being eaten up by housing developments. That's one finding in the Environment Ministry and Stats NZ's Our Land 2021 - which paints a stark picture of the… Audio
Midday Rural News for 15 April 2021
The amount of highly productive agricultural land being lost to housing has increased massively since 2002. Audio
Business plan hatched to site 320,000 hens in 139ha forest
A South Waikato free-range egg company is setting up a new model of business - creating a forest for its hens to live in.
Live exports ban decision due to animal welfare - Damien O'Connor
The government's decision to phase out livestock exports by sea has been met with despair by some in the agricultural industry.
There are fears the ban, which has a two-year transition period, will… Audio
Morning Rural News for 15 April 2021
News from the rural and farming sector. Audio
Ending live exports assuring ethical treatment of animals - Agriculture Minister
The clock is ticking on the live animal exports, with the government announcing a two-year phase out period.
It's scrapping the industry, it says, to uphold New Zealand's reputation for high… Video, Audio
Govt phases out live exports of livestock by sea
The government is calling time on livestock exports by sea - saying New Zealand needs to protect its reputation and the welfare of animals.
The ban, which includes a two-year transition period, is… Video, Audio
Midday Rural News for 14 April 2021
Reaction to the Governemnt's ban on livestock exports by sea is starting to filter in. The Agriculture Minister this morning announced the trade will be phased out in the next two years. A review was… Audio