Stories by Susan Edmunds
What does bird flu mean for the economy?
Bird flu will be a tough blow to affected farmers and potentially their region.
Is it worth getting a solar power system?
It takes just five to eight years for a typical solar power system to pay for itself on a New Zealand home, experts say.
Mortgage adviser told to pay $87,000 for 'deception plan'
The couple borrowed $100,000 more than they admitted, and within months were having trouble paying their loan .
Black Friday 'big deal for retailers this year'
Shoppers took the opportunity to splash out on Black Friday again, new data shows.
Is it worth taking a short-term mortgage fix?
Six-month fixes have been popular lately, because of expectations that interest rates will continue to fall.
More businesses folding than in the GFC
"From a historical perspective this is really bad," economist says as the number of business insolvencies hits more than double last year.
Our property investment project is failing - why can't we use our KiwiSaver?
RNZ's money correspondent Susan Edmunds answers your questions.
How much will Christmas dinner cost this year?
While rising food prices have meant the cost of Christmas dinner soared in the past couple of years, the picture for 2024 is brighter.
27,000 more people unemployed this Christmas, economists say
But the situation could have been a lot worse, a senior economist at the country's biggest bank says.
Can workers say no to controversial headsets?
The technology, used by Woolworths to assign jobs and rank performance, is adding unrealistic time pressures, some staff say.
Husband remortgaged house for drugs and sex workers
Andrea didn't find out the extent of her husband's financial abuse until they divorced. She's not alone. Audio
No plan B to save The Spinoff
The Spinoff founder Duncan Greive says there's "no plan b" to save the website if an attempt to dramatically increase the number of paying supporters is not successful.
What next for SolarZero customers?
SolarZero says subscriptions will continue for existing customers, but no new systems will be sold.
How much of the benefit of OCR cuts have we had so far?
When the official cash rate was cut by 50 basis points, the banks responded by passing on the full cut to floating rates.
Why do we have so many more property managers?
One course is already booked out until mid next year. Audio
How the banks have responded to the OCR cut
Within minutes, the main banks started passing the cut on to some borrowers.
The rule change likely to hit property investors harder
Debt-to-income rules are likely to hit investors harder than first-home buyers, as interest rates fall further over the coming year.
Solar power company in liquidation: 'Like a liability on the roof now'
SolarZero's liquidation has customers worried about the contracts they have with the company.
'No way would you want to retire with less than $1m'
Here's why one KiwiSaver provider says anything less won't do.
Why the Greens want a bigger rest home subsidy
Rising property prices mean limit for help is out of date, financial adviser says.
Home buyers getting more hopeful
House price expectations have lifted and there's positivity about interest rates continuing to drop, ASB bank's latest survey found.
Bank closes door to many preapprovals from mortgage advisers for rest of year
ASB said it would not accept preapprovals from advisers with clients who weren't already ASB customers until January.
KiwiSaver supervisor braces for surge in hardship withdrawals
Withdrawals are at record levels, and there are warnings more may be to come as a Christmas crunch hits.
Will this week's OCR cut mean better home loan rates?
There's a warning to borrowers not to get their hopes up.
Will I have to pay for my spouse's rest home if we have a contracting out agreement?
RNZ's money correspondent Susan Edmunds answers your questions.