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Saturday 18 August 2007 Rāhoroi 18 Here-turi-kōkā 2007

  • 12:00 AM. Music Through the Night

    12:00 - Disc 1

    TUBIN: Sinfonietta on Estonian Motifs; Concerto for piano & orchestra; Symphony No 7 - Gothenburg SO/Neeme Järvi (BIS CD 401)

    1:10 (approx) - Disc 2

    DECRÜCK: Sonata in C#; DELVINCOURT: Croquembouches; SANCAN: Lamento et Rondo; Maurice: Tableaux de Provence; Köchlin: extracts from Études pour saxophone alto at piano Op 188; DESENCLOS: Prélude, Cadence et Finale - Claude Delangle (sax), Odile Delangle (pno) (BIS CD 1130)

    2:25 (approx) - Disc 3

    PENALOSA: Inter vestibulum et altare; Tribularer, si nescirem; Ne reminiscaris, Domine; Versa est in luctum; Domine, secundum actum meum; Adoro te, Domine Iesu Christe; Ave, verum corpus natum; Nigra sum, sed formosa; Sancta Maria; Unica est columba mea; Ave, vera caro Christi; Ave, vere sanguis Domini; In passione positus; Precor te, Domine Iesu Christe; Pater noster; Ave Regina caelorum; Sancta Mater, istud agas; O Domina sanctissima; Emendemus in melius; Deus, qui manus tuas; Domine Iesu Christe, qui neminem; Transeunte Domino Iesu - Pro Cantione Antiqua/Bruno Turner (Hyperion CDA 66574)

    3:35 (approx) - Disc 4

    BRAHMS: Hungarian Dances; JOACHIM: Andantino in A minor; Romance in Bb - Marat Bisengaliev (vln), John Lenehan (pno) (Naxos 8.553026)

    4:35 (approx) - Disc 5

    REYNOLDS: Festival March; Alice through the Looking Glass, Suite; The Toy Cart, Suite; The Taming of the Shrew, Overture; 1066 and All That, Suite; Ballet of the Roses; Suite of Five Dances from the Duenna; Overture for a Comedy; The Sirens of Southend; Swiss Lullaby and Ballet from Swiss Family Robinson; Marriage à la Mode, Suite; Three Pieces for Theatre - Royal Ballet Sinfonia/Gavin Sutherland (Marco Polo 8.225184)

  • 6:00 AM. Classic Morning

    COLES: The Comedy of Errors, Overture - BBC Scottish SO/Martyn Brabbins (Hyperion CDA 67293)

    ALBINONI: Concerto in D for two oboes Op 7/8 - Anthony Camden, Alison Alty (obs), London Virtuosi/John Georgiadis (dir) (Naxos 8.553002)

    J STRAUSS II: Die Fledermaus Quadrille - Julian Reynolds, Peter Lockwood (pno duo) (Globe GLO 5143)

    DVORÁK: Symphony No 9 in E minor, From the New World, second movement, Largo - New Zealand SO/Victor Yampolsky (Kiwi CD SLC 215)

    VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: Serenade to Music - 16 soloists, London Phil/Adrian Boult (EMI CDC 7 47218)

    7:00 JC BACH: Symphony in Bb Op 18/2 - Hanover Band/Anthony Halstead (CPO 999 752)

    RANGSTROM: Partita in B minor - Bernt Lysell (vln), Swedish Radio SO/Niklas Willén (Phono Suecia PSCD 712)

    HANDEL: Coronation Anthem, Let thy hand be strengthened - Tallis Chamber Choir, Royal Academy Consort/Jeremy Summerly (Naxos 8.557003)

    SNYDER: Who's sorry now?; GARDNER: Mild & bitter; SHAPIRO/CAMPBELL/CONNELLY: If I had you - Mark Walton (cl/sax), Iola Shelley (pno) (Private recording)

    WALDTEUFEL: Très jolie Waltz - Czecho-Slovak State Phil/Alfred Walter (Marco Polo 8.223441)

    8:00 GERSHWIN arr Anderson: Girl Crazy, Suite - Boston Pops Orch/John Williams (Philips 426 404)

    N RUBINSTEIN: Polka Op 15 - Megumi Fujita (pno) (Intim IMCD 085)

    PRAETORIUS arr Lane: Dances from Terpsichore - City of Prague Phil/Gavin Sutherland (ASV White Line CD WHL 2142)

    BOLCOM: Graceful Ghost - Gil Shaham (vln), Jonathan Feldman (pno) (DG 463 483)

    TCHAIKOVSKY: Eugene Onegin, excerpts - La Scala Theatre Orch, Milan/Lovro von Matacic (Testament SBT 1330)

  • 9:00 AM. Best of Upbeat

    A recap from the week's national and international music news, with Eva Radich (RNZ)

  • 10:00 AM. Your Choice

    BENNETT: Enchanted April, Film music - Cynthia Miller (ondes martenot), BBC Phil/Rumon Gamba (Chandos CHAN 9867)

    COMPOSERS OF THE WEEK: Georgian Music - Amelia Nurse examines the course of traditional folksong in Georgian Music and talks to Toronto based musician Alan Gasser (RNZ)

    RIMSKY-KORSAKOV: Scheherazade - Midori Seiler (vln), Anima Eterna/Jos van Immerseel (Zig Zag ZZT 050 502)

    (Box 123, Wellington or

  • Noon The RNZ Concert Classical Chart

    This week's best-selling CDs

  • 1:00 PM. The Art of Jazz

    Ten programmes giving Phil Broadhurst's perspective on the international recorded jazz scene

    (8) Jazz from Europe (RNZ)

  • 2:00 PM. Global Sounds

    Indigenous music from around the world

    Sounds of Indonesia

    Indonesia's music is as diverse as its people. Best known abroad are the Javanese and Balinese orchestras, generally called gamelan, which consist largely of gongs and other metalophones, but gamelan is only one aspect of the whole. This programme features a collection of traditional music from different regions of Indonesia (CD SF 40428; CD SF 40421; CD SF 40441; CD SF 40057; CD SFW 40445)

  • 3:00 PM. Saturday Concert

    Talisker Trio: Cheryl Hollinger (tpt), Heather Anderson (hn), Peter Maunder (tbn) with Rachel Thomson (pno) HONEGGER: Intrada; DUKAS: Villanelle; DUTILLEUX: Choral, Cadence & Fugato; MAUNDER: Trio for Brass; BERIO: Sequenza V; GERSHWIN: Preludes for piano; VARIOUS arr Maunder: Great American songs (recorded in Illot Theatre, Wellington by RNZ)

  • 4:10 PM. Four 20th-Century English Composers

    ELGAR: Introduction & Allegro Op 47 - BBC SO/Adrian Boult (BBC Legends BBCL 4170)

    ALWYN: Concerto for oboe, harp & strings - Jonathan Small (ob), Eleanor Hudson (harp), Royal Liverpool Phil/David Lloyd-Jones (Naxos 8.570144)

    BRITTEN: Three Divertimentos - Belcea Quartet (EMI 5 57968)

    LLOYD: Symphony No 11 - Albany SO/George Lloyd (Albany TROY 060)

  • 6:00 PM. Made in New Zealand

    NZ musicians and composers

    VANHAL: Flute Quartet in G Op 7/3 - Uwe Grodd (fl), Janaki String Trio (Naxos 8.570234)

    GRIFFITHS: Dormi Jesu - Auckland University Festival Choir/Peter Godfrey (Kiwi CD SLD 108)

    SHOSTAKOVICH: Cello Concerto No 1 in Eb Op 107 - Alexander Ivashkin (cello), Moscow SO/Valeri Polyansky (Manu CD MANU 1542)

  • 7:00 PM. Vocalied

    American soprano, Arleen Augér

    SCHUBERT: Daphne am Bach D411; Lambertine D301; Thekla D857; Der Hirt auf dem Felsen D965 - with Thea King (cl), Graham Johnson (pno) (Hyperion CDJ 33009)

    STRAUSS: Morgen Op 27/4; Hat gesagt - Bleibt's nicht dabei Op 36/3; Glückes genug Op 37/1; Gefunden Op 56/1 - with Irwin Gage (pno) (CBS MK 42447)

    COPLAND: Pastorale; OBRADORS: Del Cabello más sutil; OVALLE: Azulao; MARX: Selige Nacht; CIMARA: Stornello; DONAUDY: O del mio amato ben - with Dalton Baldwin (pno) (Delos DE 3029)

  • 8:00 PM. Music Alive

    Goldner String Quartet

    SHOSTAKOVICH: String Quartet No 7 in F# minor Op 108; MOZART: String Quartet No 22 in Bb K589, Prussian; SIBELIUS: String Quartet in D minor Op 56, Intimate Voices; SCULTHORPE: String Quartet No 8, Fourth movement, Con precisione (recorded in Wellington Town Hall on 29 April 2006 by RNZ)

  • 9:20 PM. Heifetz/Munch Collaboration

    BEETHOVEN: Violin Concerto in D Op 61 - Jascha Heifetz (vln), Boston SO/Charles Munch (RCA 09026 68980)

  • 10:00 PM. Day's End

    BRAHMS: Clarinet Quintet in B minor Op 115 - Joan Enric Lluna (cl), Tokyo String Quartet (Harmonia Mundi HMI 98 7048)

    HOLST: A Moorside Suite - Northern Sinfonia/David Lloyd-Jones (Naxos 8.555070)

    11:00 FAURÉ: Piano Trio in D minor Op 120 - Gil Shaham (vln), Brinton Smith (cello), Akira Eguchi (pno) (Vanguard ATM CD 1239)

    GADE Octet in F Op 17 - L'Archibudelli & Smithsonian Chamber Players (Sony SK 48307)

Next day - Sun 19

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