Afternoons for Thursday 26 August 2010
1:10 Best Song Ever Written
When This Passing World Is Done - JG version as chosen by Simon Boghurst of London.
1:15 Your Place
2:10 Feature stories
A team of oceanographers, technicians and researchers are on a mission to virtually raise the Titanic. They are using cutting-edge acoustic technology and robotic underwater machinery to scan the entire debris field of where the Titanic sunk in 1912.
Saving New Zealand's heritage and artifacts from a bygone era has long been a passion of brothers Richard and Bob Spark from Rangiora. They've been collecting tractors, colonial cooking utensils, bricks, turn of the century clothes, and much more for nearly 30 years. Now the Spark brothers are donating two hectares of their land for a heritage park, to preserve their collection for generations to come.
2:30 NZ Reading
The Shag Incident by written by Stephanie Johnson and read by Madeline McNamara.
Jasper is in Long Bay jail, but his mother Lena has yet to find out he's been arrested for drug running.
2:55 He Rourou
Dr Rangi Mataamua was told by his grandfather that his doctorate would have little value unless he uses it for the benefit of his people. Ana Tapiata talks to him about his educational pathway, which lead him back to possum hunting in the Urewera ranges
2:50 Feature Album
White Ladder by David Gray
3:12 Arts Report
Lynn Freeman talks with the very creative family of the late painter, printmaker and muralist, John Drawbridge, who died in 2005.
3:33 Christchurch story
Last week Invercargill City Council offered Southland disability Enterprises an 8-year right-of-renewal contract to process recyclables from its new wheelie-bin system, making them the lead contractor.
General manager Ian Becker says this will allow them to generate enough revenue to make them "masters of their own destiny", rather than relying on sponsorship as they have done since 1974.
The business provides support and encouragement through vocational programmes directly targeted towards employment, for people with disabilities.
It's a serious business, but, as Sage Forest discovers, it's a successful one AND - a happy one.
Left: Ian Beker, general manager Southland disAbilities Enterprise with workers Trish and Jason. Right: John Dempster displaying a casket he's made from willow grown on the premises.
Workers clean, wash and pack empty milk-powder bags from Fonterra, ready for sale and shipment to China.
3:47 Pre Panel
What are people talking about on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter.
4:06 The Panel
Mai Chen and Tony Doe.