Afternoons for Monday 17 October 2016
1:10 First song
1.15 Plan to Revamp Karangahape Road
Proposed changes to Auckland's iconic Karangahape Road have been released this morning.
It's one of New Zealand's most colourful strips, but what does the future look like, for the Central Auckland hub?
Public feedback on the changes is open until 20 November 2016.
Journalist, Russell Brown, has been looking at the proposal released by Auckland Transport and Auckland Transport.
1:25 Being a Gay Christian
Craig Watson grew up in a conservative baptist church where homosexuality was viewed as an evil in a person that must be got rid of.
For years he tried to pray away his own sexuality - and went as far as going overseas to find a counsellor to help him "get the gay away"
It wasn't until three years ago, when he was 31 that he began to rethink his attitude to himself.. and met a pastor who embraced and accepted gay people.
His mission now is to help young gay Christians realise they don't have to choose between religion and their sexuality - and has organised the Awaken conference in Auckland which will take place over Labour weekend.
Awaken Conference Photo: supplied
1:35 Nadia Lim launches new magazine
Nadia Lim joins Jesse in the studio to talk about her new bi-monthly lifestyle magazine, Nadia. It will focus on health and wellbeing, with recipes and advice.
Nadia, bi-monthly magazine Photo: supplied
1:40 Favourite album: The Scarfies soundtrack
John Cullen Photo: Alexander Turnbull Library
2:10 Black Sheep: John Cullen
This week on Black Sheep, William Ray talks to historian Mark Derby about John Cullen - the former head of the New Zealand police who once led a raid deep into the forest of Te Urewera to illegally arrest the Tuhoe prophet Rua Kenana
2:25 Why Tuatara are so unique
Tuatara expert Nicky Nelson of Victoria University has everything you need to know about one of the world's most unique animals.
Tuatara are in an order of their own, one of four types of reptile. They are not dinosaurs as some have suggested, but date back 230 million years.
3:10 Bernie Roth: Life by Design
Life lessons don't often come from the engineering department at prestigious universities like Stanford. But for more than 40 years mechanical engineer Professor Bernie Roth has been teaching a class about applying design concepts to life.
He says the same concepts engineers use to design buildings or irrigation projects can be used to lose weight, achieve work/life balance or just about any problem life throws at us.
His class "The Designer in Society", is one of the most popular at Stanford University.
Bernie Roth Photo: Stanford University
3:35 Voices
3:45 The Panel Pre-Show
Music played in this show
1:00pm - 4:00pm
ARTIST: Emeli Sande
TITLE: Hurts
COMP: Long Live the Angels
ALBUM: Adele Adkins, Emily Sandé, James Murray, Mustafa Omer
LABEL: Virgin
ARTIST: The Clean
TITLE: Tally Ho
COMP: Hamish Kilgour, David Kilgour, Robert Scott
ALBUM: Scarfies Soundtrack
LABEL: Flying Nun
ARTIST: Look Blue. Go Purple
TITLE: Cactus Cat
COMP: Kathy Bull, Norma O'Malley, Lesley Paris, Denise Roughan, Kath Webster
ALBUM: Scarfies Soundtrack
LABEL: Flying Nun
ARTIST: The Verlains
TITLE: Death And The Maiden
COMP: Graeme Downes.
ALBUM: Scarfies Soundtrack
LABEL: Flying Nun
ARTIST: The Chills
TITLE: Doldrums
COMP: Martin Phillipps
ALBUM: Scarfies Soundtrack
LABEL: Flying Nun\
ARTIST: Eden Mulholland
TITLE: Utopia
COMP: Eden Mulholland
ALBUM: Hunted Haunted
LABEL: iTunes
ARTIST: The Beatles
TITLE: Getting Better
COMP: John Lennon, Paul McCartney
ALBUM: Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
LABEL: Parlophone