1.12 First Song:

1:17 Personal account of becoming homeless while on the state housing wait list

What happens when you're on the waiting list for a state house ? Where do you go? 

Apanui Koopu has written about his experience for E-Tangata, saying it's time for change.

Apanui joins Jesse to tell his story and how seeking help from government agencies made his situation worse.

Apanui Koopu.

Apanui Koopu. Photo: Supplied.

1:27 Do benefit increases affect inequality in Aotearoa?

Increases to benefits were a big headline in the 2021 budget, but does it do enough to address inequality?

Max Rashbrooke is the editor of 'Inequality: A New Zealand Crisis' and an expert on wage inequality and the pay gap. He is also a senior associate at the Institute for Governance and Policy Studies, Victoria University of Wellington.

He joins Jesse to share his thoughts on what was revealed by the Government yesterday.

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Photo: RNZ / Dom Thomas

1:35 Local players in NZ spirits industry recognised

There may have been a fair bit of stirring, shaking, blending and muddling going on this week for the annual New Zealand Spirits Awards. 

Tash McGill, who's Chair of the New Zealand Whisky Council and one of the judges, talks to Jesse about the industry and how our distilleries compare to those overseas.

Tash McGill, who's Chair of the New Zealand Whisky Association.

Tash McGill, who's Chair of the New Zealand Whisky Association. Photo: Supplied.

Don Binney with FRIGATE BIRD II.

Don Binney with FRIGATE BIRD II. Photo: Michael Willison /NZ Woman’s Weekly 1969

1:50 Help needed to solve an art mystery 

There's a mystery in the New Zealand arts scene that is hopefully going to be solved with the help of the public.

Writer, curator and art historian, Greg O'Brien, is working on a book for Auckland University Press about Kiwi painter Don Binney, but is having trouble locating one of the paintings that makes up series know as Pacific Frigate Bird.

Greg talks to Jesse about the missing work of art and how optimistic he is that he can find it.


2:10 Film Review with Graeme Tuckett

Today movie reviewer Graeme Tuckett talks to Jesse about Son of the South, The Artist's Wife and The Wairarapa Film Festival on from May 26 to 29.


2:20 NZ Live Daily J

Daily J is made up of three Blenheim brothers - Jayden, Jesse & Jonny, and their friends Rick and Cody.

They released their debut album Venus Ate Mars late last year, and they're in our Auckland studio today for NZ Live.

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Photo: Supplied

3:08 Caramalised Banana and Ginger Upside Down Cake

Today chef and food writer Kelly Gibney shares a delicious recipe for Caramalised Banana and Ginger Upside Down Cake which can be served hot from the the oven with ice cream as a desert. It's also gluten free!

You can find out how to make the cake here.

Caramelised banana ginger cake

Photo: Supplied

3:16 Music 101: Charlotte Ryan

Charlotte Ryan, host of Music 101 here on RNZ each Saturday afternoon from midday talks about what's happening on the music scene over the weekend, what's coming up on her show tomorrow and because Friday is new music day - she'll pick us a track to play.

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Photo: RNZ / Claire-Eastham Farrelly

3:25 Weekend Stuff with builder Stan Scott

Builder Stan Scott joins Jesse to answer any DIY questions or conundrums. You can send in your questions or what you'd like advice by text 2101 or email jesse@rnz.co.nz.

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Photo: Public Domain

3:35 Critter of the Week: The Southern Splash-zone Spider

This week’s critter is the Southern Splash-zone Spider which lives in the high tide zone of our rocky southern coasts.

It spins a waterproof tunnel for itself (and its baby spiderlings) and covers the entrance with a silky hatch-cover to keep the family safe when the tide comes in.

Southern Splash-zone Spider aka amaurobioides maritima

Southern Splash-zone Spider aka amaurobioides maritima Photo: James Tweed

3:45 The Panel with Duane Major and Amy Adams