Afternoons for Monday 2 May 2022
1:20 House co-ownership the new way to get on the property ladder
With soaring house prices, not to mention the rising cost of living, many are looking for creative ways to jump onto the property ladder.
Going in on a home with friends or family has always been an option, but now, Kiwibank has set up a system to streamline this alternative to the tradition buying model.
It's called Co-Own. Kiwibank mobile mortgage manager Philippa Scott talks to Jesse about how it works.
An illustration showing a hand holding keys to a new home. Photo: 123RF
1.30 Delays in fixing Khandallah pool criticised
After managing to stop the demolition of the Khandallah swimming pool, Wellington city councillor Diane Calvert, is questioning why the much needed rebuild isn't going ahead for years.
She talks to Jesse about the much needed TLC the facility is getting and what she's been told about the three to four year delay in starting the work.
Wellington City Councillor Diane Calvert at the Khandallah Pool Photo:
1.40 Millennials most at risk of chucking in their jobs
A survey has found that 25-34 year olds have suffered the most during the COVID pandemic, making them more likely to quit their jobs.
The Skills Consulting Group Work Wellbeing Index survey more then 1800 workers across Aotearoa with millennials dropping a staggering 9 points on the previous survey with 42 percent saying they would look for a new job this year.
Jane Kennelly's the GM for Skills Consulting Group, she talks to Jesse about how this impacts workplaces.
Photo: 123RF
1:45 Great NZ Album
2:10 Television Critic: Linda Burgess
This week Linda is talking about Ten Percent on Amazon Prime, This Way Up on Neon and A Very British Scandal on Amazon Prime.
Photo: 123RF
2:20 Australian Correspondent Brad Foster
Sydney based Brad Foster joins Jesse to update on election campaign across the ditch with three weeks left to go until election day there. He's also got the latest COVID numbers and news about Robbie Williams shooting a film in Melbourne.
Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison (R) shakes hands with leader of the opposition, Anthony Albanese, during the first leaders' debate of the 2022 federal election campaign at the Gabba in Brisbane on April 20, 2022. Photo: AFP
2:30 Expert feature: Tree pruning with Kath Irvine
Pruning season is fast approaching (Mid-winter) but for many people it can be a daunting task.
Today's expert is organic gardener Kath Irvine, who runs pruning workshops from her Horowhenua garden.
She's also written a book to guide beginners through what to do, appropriately named "Pruning Fruit trees - a beginners guide".
Kath joins Jesse to share some tips for how to get the most out of your fruit trees, she can also answer some of your questions on text 2101 or email
Photo: Catherine Cattanach
Photo: supplied
3:10 How humour can be a boost for business
A funny thing happened when a behavioral scientist and professor at Stanford University and a corporate strategist got together to teach a course called Humor: Serious Business. Some of the most ambitious business students in the world learned how to use humor to be better leaders and maybe even better humans. Dr Jennifer Aaker and Naomi Bagdonas take behavioral science and principles of comedy, and apply them to business, leadership and our everyday lives. They’ve written a book based on their course called Humor, Seriously: Why Humor is a Secret Weapon in Business and Life.
3:35 Voices
In this week's Voices - theatre, clowning and mask theory - one man's obsession with theatre masks and his growing collection.
Pedro Ilgenfritz Photo: Kadambari Gladding
3:45 The Panel with Parmjeet Paramar and Max Harris