1:15 Census night, why it matters

Next Tuesday is the big night.

The census data is used to make decisions impacting all our futures.

Dr Richard Arnold, Professor of Statistics and Data Science at Victoria University of Wellington talks to Jesse about why people should avoid recording inaccurate information.

A Census 2023 letter being removed from a letterbox.

Photo: 2023 Census, Stats NZ

1:25 Taite Music Prize 2023 finalists announced

The finalists for the Taite Music Prize 2023 and the Auckland Live Best Independent Debut award have been released today.

There are many familiar artists on that list, many who've performed here on a Friday for our NZ live sessions.

Independent Music NZ board member Pippa Ryan Kidd talks to Jesse about the local artists and how far our musicians have come since the award was introduced 14 years ago.

Taite Music Prize 2021

Taite Music Prize 2021 Photo: supplied

1:35 Movie night flood relief event also celebrates Māori film makers.

Next Sunday you can enjoy an outing to the movies while raising money for communities devastated by Cyclone Gabrielle

Made by Māori: A Day at the Movies, is a full day of iconic films on the big screen celebrating Māori film makers.

100% of every ticket sale will be donated.

Award winning film producer Chelsea Winstanley talks to Jesse about their big night!

Rawinia Anderson has mixed feelings to her yellow-stickered family home.

Rawinia Anderson has mixed feelings to her yellow-stickered family home. Photo: RNZ / Robin Martin

1:45 Potential of karaka berries as a food source.

It's karaka berry season at the moment.

They're highly poisonous, including to your pets, so you need to be on high alert around this time of year.

But Māori learned how to process the kernal so they're safe to eat.

Apparently they're a good source of protein, could we be using the abundance of karaka berries as a food source?

Registered Medical Herbalist and traditionally trained rongoā Māori Practitioner  Donna Kerridge of Waikato and Ngāti Tahinga talks to Jesse about their potential.

Karaka berries.

Photo: Auckland Council

2:10 Film Review with Sam Hollis


2:20 NZ Live: Tattletale Saints

This week on NZ Live we have Nashville based NZ duo Tattletale Saints in the studio to perform.

The duo, comprised of Cy Winstanley and Vanessa McGowan are back in Aotearoa touring their latest album, In The Summertime. It's also their first NZ tour since 2010. 

Tattletale Saints

Tattletale Saints Photo: Alex de Freitas

3:08 Beef Pickle Burgers

Today Shared Kitchen founder and chef Julie Biuso shares a great recipe for the bbq now that the weather is improving.

She talks to Jesse about making a beef pickle burger, but making the pattie from scratch to add flavour and texture to the finished burger.

You can find out how to make this at home here.

Shared Kitchen by Julie & Ilaria Biuso, Published by Bateman 2020

Shared Kitchen by Julie & Ilaria Biuso, Published by Bateman 2020 Photo: © Manja Wachsmuth Photography

3:16 Music 101: Charlotte Ryan

Charlotte Ryan, host of Music 101 here on RNZ each Saturday afternoon from 1pm talks about what's happening on the music scene over the weekend, what's coming up on her show tomorrow and because Friday is new music day - she'll pick us a track to play.

No caption

Photo: RNZ / Claire-Eastham Farrelly

3:25 Gardening with Lynda Hallinan

Today Lynda is talking about the Mercury Bay Art Escape Event which she is opening this weekend.

She has some great tips on how art can be used outdoors and in gardens, especially to hide some of the more unsightly parts of the outdoor areas.

3:35 Critter of the Week: Bluegill bully

This week’s critter is the bluegill bully (Gobiomorphus hubbsi) – a beautiful native fish that gets its name from the bright blue bands on its gill cover.

Bluegill bullies are a threatened species that need healthy rivers and streams to survive.

Bluegill Bully

Bluegill Bully Photo: © EOS Ecology / www.eosecology.co.nz

3:45 The Panel with Julie Woods and Raj Charkraborti