1:15 NZ Professor at centre of landmark treaty protecting oceans

A landmark treaty to protect marine biodiversity on the high seas has been finalised.

New Zealand has played a key role in making it happen.

Professor Joanna Mossop with Victoria University's Faculty of Law has been offering her expertise to New Zealand diplomats.

Professor Mossop talks to Jesse about the treaty and it's importance.

This handout image released by Simon Fraser University/James Cook University on January 16, 2023, shows bull sharks in the waters off Fiji. - Nearly two thirds of the sharks and rays that live among the world's corals are threatened with extinction, according to new research published on January 16, 2023, in the journal Nature Communications. Coral reefs, which harbour at least a quarter of all marine animals and plants, are gravely menaced by an array of human threats, including overfishing, pollution and climate change. Shark and ray species -- from apex predators to filter feeders -- play an important role in these delicate ecosystems that "cannot be filled by other species", said Samantha Sherman, of Simon Fraser University in Canada and the wildlife group TRAFFIC International. (Photo by COLIN SIMPENDORFER / SIMON FRASER UNIVERSITY/JAMES COOK UNIVERSITY / AFP) / RESTRICTED TO...

UN approves landmark ocean treaty. Photo: AFP / Colin Simpfendoreer/Simon Fraser University/James Cook University

1:25 Tiny airline winning hearts across the Pacific region

A tiny airline which flies between Invercargill and Stewart Island/Rakiura has been named the most loved in the country.

A survey of social media posts by Australian company S Money, found Stewart Island Flights was the most loved airline in New Zealand and the eight most loved in the Pacific/Asia region.

CEO and Chief Pilot Leon Bax talks to Jesse from Stewart Island.

Rakiura/Stewart Island, looking NE across Mason Bay. Photo: Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu.

Rakiura/Stewart Island, looking NE across Mason Bay. Photo: Supplied / Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu

1:35 Upcycling textiles taking off

In January last year, a clothing recycling company diverted 11 kilograms of unwanted textiles from the landfill. Last month they saved 11 tonnes.

Upparel started in Australia, but has taken off here in Aotearoa. This week, a local brand introduced recycling bins into their stores, in partnership with Upparel.

Jeff Vollebregt is the director of Upparel, he joins us now to explain the significance of this.

No caption

Photo: Creative Commons

1:45 Tech Tuesday with Daniel Watson

Today Dan Watson, owner and managing director of Vertech IT Services talks to Jesse about usage of AI to make imposter scams using voice cloning.

2:10 Book Critic: Anna Rankin

Today Anna talks to Jesse about Interesting Times: A Twentieth-Century Life by Eric Hobsbawm and Susan Sontag Reborn: Journals and Notebooks, 1947-1963.

2:20 Music feature: Nick Bollinger

For today's Tuesday music feature  we're going back to the 1970s.

Specifically New Zealand's music scene from that era, which I'm sure many of our listeners will have fond memories of, if you wish to share them the number is 2101.

Someone who knows all about this era of New Zealand music is writer and music critic, Nick Bollinger. He talks to Jesse about the scene in NZ music during that decade.

Rough Justice at Wellington's Last Resort Stephen Jessup, Mike Gubb, Peter Boyd, Rick Bryant, Nick Bollinger and Peter Kennedy

Rough Justice at Wellington's Last Resort Stephen Jessup, Mike Gubb, Peter Boyd, Rick Bryant, Nick Bollinger and Peter Kennedy Photo: AudioCulture

3:10 The PR problem with menopause

Menopause has a PR problem. 20 years ago, headlines about a link between hormone replacement therapy and stroke and cancer scared women into halting treatment for the hot flashes and insomnia caused by menopause.   But that was never the whole story says New York Times journalist Susan Dominus. When she started experiencing symptoms herself, she looked at the research and found the benefits for healthy women under 60 suffering from night sweats and hot flashes outweighs the risks. She shares her own experience and what the new science says about menopause.

Doctor (gynecologist or psychiatrist) consulting and examining woman patient's health in medical clinic or hospital health service center

Photo: 123RF

3:30 Spoken Feature: Georgina Beyer Eyewitness

To mark the death of trail blazing former MP Georgina Beyer we are replaying an Eyewitness made in 2017 about her.

Please note this story was recorded in 2017 and throughout it, Georgina is referred to as a transexual woman. She also refers to herself that way.

RNZ acknowledges that transexual is not an accepted term by all members of the Trans community and we do not intend to be disrespectful to Georgina's memory.

Georgina Beyer, Matangireia Series 2

Georgina Beyer, Matangireia Series 2 Photo: Aotearoa Media Collective

3:45 The Panel with Nikki Bezzant and Mark Knoff-Thomas