1:15 Adopt a Granny

An innovative grassroots support programme has been launched in Kaitāia to offer support to local seniors in need. It's called 'Adopt a Granny', and through the initiative volunteers will visit 15 seniors fortnightly to provide extra food and a welfare check. It's run by Kaitāia Whānau in Need, a not-for-profit founded by Deirdre Ahu.

elderly couple holding hands

Photo: Kevin Grieve / Unsplash

1.25 The Garden Room - a documentary about a family's stillborn journey

There's a very special room at Christchurch Women's Hospital, a lot of people aren't aware that  it even exists. It's called the Garden Room and it's where Mum's go to give birth to their babies that have died. Between four and five hundred stillborns occur each year in New Zealand. but it's not something that's often talked about. In an effort to change that Christchurch filmmaker Kirsty Cameron was given permission to film a family going though their stillbirth journey. Her documentary The Garden Room premieres in Christchurch next week. 

The images can be confronting but Nicola Devine's own research shows photography can help the grieving process.

The images can be confronting but Nicola Devine's own research shows photography can help the grieving process. Photo: Remembrance Photography/Nicola Devine

1.35 Yukon 1000 - the holy grail for adventure athletes

A Kiwi duo, Sophie Hart and Nathan Fa'avae, have taken out what some call "the world's most grueling race" - the Yukon 1000. It begins in Whitehorse, Canada, where kayakers set off for 1000 miles through rough, remote waters towards Alaska. Someone who understands just how challenging this race is Ben Lott. Ben competed in last year's Yukon 1000, four years after suffering a brain injury that nearly ended his life.

New Zealanders Sophie Hart and Nathan Fa'avae have won the Yukon 1000 adventure race, after paddling 1000 miles from Canada to Alaska.

New Zealanders Sophie Hart and Nathan Fa'avae have won the Yukon 1000 adventure race, after paddling 1000 miles from Canada to Alaska. Photo: Supplied/ Yukon 1000

1:45 Feature album: Little Earthquakes by Tori Amos

2:10 Television Critic: Linda Burgess

Today Linda speaks to Jesse about My Family Mystery on TV1, The Rise and Fall of Boris Johnson and more thoughts on Jeremy Clarkson's Farm.

2:20 Made in NZ - Danz Bagz

If you're the proud owner of a bag made by Dan and Chris Hickman, there's no missing you. Back packs, divers bags, peg bags and more and they're all in florescent neon colours.Their Otorohanga based business is called Danz Bagz. They've been in the bag game for 40 years, and Jesse finds out why their customers love them.

Dan with his favourite Danz Bagz - the expanda bag

Dan with his favourite Danz Bagz - the expanda bag Photo: RNZ/Leah Tebbutt

2.30 Expert Feature: Mark Vette training rescue dogs

Today's expert is Mark Vette, an animal behaviourist specialising in dogs.

He's taught them to do everything from fly a plane to act in movies like Lord Of The Rings.

But his real passion is working with rescue dogs.

If you have any questions for him please text 2101 or email afternoons@rnz.co.nz

Porter the Driving Dog Photo:

3:10 Protecting children from the tech giants 

Parents struggle to protect their children from online content kids have access to using products developed by Google, Apple, Microsoft and other tech companies.  

We can't manage our way out of  harm to children online by  focusing on content moderation says Dr Ravi Iyer, a  psychologist at the University of Southern California.

To protect our children from what tech giants are doing, Dr Iyer says  we're going to need help from the tech giants themselves.

He's an advocate for device-based age verification systems built into tech that would protect children across  all digital platforms. Dr Ravi Iyer explains what it is and how it works.    

Boy in his bed using smartphone to make a video call. (Photo by CONCEPTUAL IMAGES/SCIENCE PHOTO / PHR / Science Photo Library via AFP)


3:35 Here Now

On Here Now this week, Nalini Singh chats to Kadambari Raghukumar about her life of writing back to back paranormal romance novels, peppered with the odd murder mystery book of late.

Nalini Singh Photo: Supplied

3:45 The pre-Panel