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Recent items from Saturday Morning
Sir Billy Connolly's windswept and interesting life: 'it's gone terribly right'
5:05 PM.It was while working as a welder in the Glasgow shipyards that Billy Connolly discovered he had a knack for comedy. With his fearless and outspoken approach to life - which includes his wardrobe - the… Read more Video, Audio
Listener Feedback for 9 October 2021
11:55 AM.Feeback from listeners to the Saturday Morning programme. Audio
Chris Price & Bruce Foster: the life of the mysterious lobster
11:35 AM.The lobster is a creature that likes darkness, preferring to live its days being hidden away from sight. But the enigmatic crustacean undergoes a thorough literary, historical, artistic, and… Read more Audio, Gallery
Playing Favourites with East Coast musician Rob Ruha
10:05 AM.After pressing pause on live performances a few years ago, musician Rob Ruha is ready to share new music with the world again. Following the career-high of opening for Phil Collins at his rain-soaked… Read more Video, Audio
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Miles Benton: diagnosing serious illnesses cheaper and faster
9:35 AM.Dr Miles Benton had the idea for portable, bedside sequencing in hospitals when his son was born eight weeks premature. He knew there was technological capability to have a diagnosis within the hour… Read more Audio
Doireann Ní Ghríofa: the story of how we haunt each other
8:30 AM.Doireann Ní Ghríofa's prose debut A Ghost in the Throat eludes easy definition: at once a memoir, a piece of scholarship and autobiographical-fiction. The book combines Ní Ghríofa's own story with her… Read more Audio
Chris Dunphy: is there a greener future for logistics in New Zealand?
8:10 AM.Coastal shipping and green hydrogen-powered trucking are part of the future for freight in New Zealand believes Chris Dunphy, the new director of Move Logistics - formerly known as TIL Logistics - one… Read more Audio
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Dr Emma Carroll: following the whale that crossed three oceans
11:35 AM.A satellite tag which unexpectedly kept working for a year has followed the journey of one tohora southern right whale as he ventured 15,000km from the Auckland Islands across three oceans. Bill - as… Read more Audio
Max Chafkin: what makes tech billionaire Peter Thiel tick?
11:05 AM.Elusive venture capitalist and entrepreneur Peter Thiel has been thrust under the microscope in new biography The Contrarian: Peter Thiel and Silicon Valley's Pursuit of Power. Read more Audio
Ryan Salter: making difficult decisions about rationing medical care
10:35 AM.Ryan Salter knows first-hand what it looks like when a health system is under extreme pressure because of Covid-19. Dr Salter has recently returned from the UK, where he was a consulting anaesthetist… Read more Audio
Anthony Doerr: Pulitzer winning author on Cloud Cuckoo Land
10:05 AM.Cloud Cuckoo Land is the new book from Idaho-based author Anthony Doerr, who won the Pulitzer Prize for his 2014 novel All the Light We Cannot See. Like his last offering, Doerr's new book is a… Read more Audio
Frank Stark: Bringing creative life to Gonville
9:40 AM.As former director of the Whanganui Regional Museum, Frank Stark is familiar with the eclectic architectural heritage of the river city. And when he and partner Emma Bugden bought the historic… Read more Audio, Gallery
Joanna Scanlan: electrifying role in short film showcases new Ma Larkin
9:05 AM.English actor Joanna Scanlan stars alongside Peter Mullan (My Name is Joe, Top of the Lake) in new short film Don vs Lightning, in which an elderly Scottish grump finds himself the victim of multiple… Read more Video, Audio
Jonathan Drori: cultivating coffee and saving sequoias
8:35 AM.Author, plant lover and former BBC documentary maker Jonathan Drori joins the show for a chat about some of the latest botanical news. This week, Drori will be discussing the discovery of six new… Read more Audio
Prof Jason Young: the domino effect of Evergrande's debt crisis
8:10 AM.Heavily indebted Chinese property developer Evergrande hit headlines last week as the world waited to see if the company would cause China's 'Lehman moment'. And while that now looks unlikely… Read more Audio
Thomas de Mallet Burgess: pushing the boundaries of NZ Opera
5:40 PM.When a bunch of unruly British tourists caused havoc around the country back in 2019, the general director of the New Zealand Opera Thomas de Mallet Burgess was struck by a bolt of inspiration. It was… Read more Audio
Feedback to the Saturday Morning Programme 25 September 2021
11:55 AM.Feedback from listeners to the Saturday Morning Programme 25 September 2021. Audio
Dr Doug Wilson: the medical miracles are not for everyone
11:40 AM.Doug Wilson is a medical academic author and our regular correspondent from the other side of 80. Wilson graduated from Otago University 60 years ago, and since then there have been significant… Read more Audio
Annette Lees: exploring the enchanting nights of Aotearoa
11:05 AM.Annette Lees has long had a love affair with the night time. As a child she found it both scary and enchanting, and as an adult she revels in the sense of wonderment found in swimming under the stars… Read more Audio
Yanis Varoufakis: former Greek Finance Minister presents an alternative to capitalism
10:05 AM.A well-known critic of the neoliberal world order, economist Yanis Varoufakis believes capitalism has become 'techno-feudalism' - with tech companies and Covid making the rich even richer and the poor… Read more Audio
Kath Irvine: practical tips from Ōhau’s organic gardener
9:40 AM.Horowhenua-based organic gardener Kath Irvine is passionate about the value of homegrown food - and the key, she says, is to keep it really simple. For her new book The Edible Backyard, Irvine… Read more Audio
Dianne Modestini: restoring one of the world’s most controversial paintings
9:05 AM.The 'Salvator Mundi' is the first Leonardo da Vinci painting to be discovered for over a century, though some question whether it is in fact by the painter. Dianne Modestini is a world-renowned… Read more Video, Audio
Prof Mary Ziegler: the ‘deviousness’ of the Texas abortion ban
8:20 AM.The recently enacted Texas Heartbeat Act, also known as Senate Bill 8, gives conservative lawmakers everything they wanted - the ability to ban abortion with none of the risk, says Professor Mary… Read more Audio
Oscar Stilley: ‘disbarred and disgraced’ lawyer sues Texas abortion doctor
8:10 AM.Earlier this week Arkansas man Oscar Stilley filed a lawsuit against a Texan doctor who performed an abortion and wrote about it publicly in defiance of the state's strict new 'Heartbeat Act', which… Read more Audio