18 Apr 2021

Calling Home: Kane Harnett-Mutu in Copenhagen

From Sunday Morning, 8:12 am on 18 April 2021

Taihape native Kane Harnett-Mutu (Ngati Kahu) had been living in Copenhagen for more than a decade when, after being asked to explain and perform haka on myriad occasions, he decided to start taking haka to Denmark and beyond. Covid-19 has put paid to that work recently, but he plans to get back to spreading the gospel of haka when normalcy resumes. He's Calling Home this morning.

Kane Harnett-Mutu performing a haka before a performance by New Zealand band Alien Weaponry at a heavy metal festival in Denmark.

Kane Harnett-Mutu performing a haka before a performance by New Zealand band Alien Weaponry at a heavy metal festival in Denmark. Photo: Supplied

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