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Sunday 3 October 2010 Rātapu 3 Whiringa-ā-nuku 2010
12:04 AM. All Night Programme
Including: 12:06 Music after Midnight; 12:30 History Repeated (RNZ); 1:05 Our Changing World(RNZ); 2:05 Touchstone; 2:36 Hymns (RNZ); 3:06 Change of Heart, by Barbara Anderson(RNZ);3:30 NZ Books (RNZ); 4:30 One Planet (BBC); 5:45 Auckland Stories(RNZ)
6:35 AM. Storytime
Uncle Glenn and Me, by Glenn Colquhon, told by Bradley Carroll; Mavis Mamby Pants, by Linda McIntyre, told by Peter McCallum ; Thor's Tale, by Janice Marriott, told by Peter Vere Jones; Wriggler Squiggler, written and told by Apirana Taylor; How David Came to Stay at Aunt Hilda's for the Very Last Time, by Gaelyn Gordon, told by Joanne Simpson(RNZ)
7:08 AM. Hymns for Sunday Morning
Presented by Maureen Garing (RNZ)
7:35 AM. Weekend Worldwatch
The stories behind the international headlines (RNZ)
8:10 AM. Sunday Morning with Chris Laidlaw
Discussion, features and music, including:
8:12 Insight; 8:40 Feature Interview; 9:06 Mediawatch; 9:45 Sunday Outlook; 10:06 Ideas; 10:45 Hidden Treasures with Trevor Reekie; 11:05 Sunday People; 11:45 Dougal Stevenson's Notes from the South (fortnightly); 11:50 Feedback
12:15 PM. Spectrum
Petone Woollen Mills - A Family Affair- former workers recall a tight-knit community and a work-force dominated by women proud of their skills. The Petone Woollen Mills closed in 1968 and during its 80 year history it was a showpiece of industrial New Zealand (RNZ)
12:40 PM. The Arts on Sunday with Lynn Freeman
Information and analysis from the world of books, arts and movies, including:
1:06 At the Movies with Simon Morris; 2:04 Comedy; 2:25 Books
3:04 The Sunday Drama:
Miss Judd is an 82-year-old gentlewoman who has spent the past 20-years as housekeeper to Mr Davidge, a widowed lawyer. There is gentle irony as she recalls their years together in a relationship that is both formal and intimate (RNZ)
4:06 PM. 4 'til 8 with Katrina Batten
A selection of special interest programmes, including:
4:07 The Sunday Feature: Smart Talk at the Auckland Museum
1. Innovation and the City: Architect Pete Bossley, urban historian Dr Chris Harris, and business and economics commentator Rod Oram consider how Auckland will transform itself once the time for election slogans and promises is over. And what role will innovative design and planning play in its future? Chair: Finlay Macdonald (RNZ)
5:10 Touchstone: Spiritual discussion and debate (RNZ)
5:36 Waiata Maori Music: Eru Rerekura showcases Maori artists and music (RNZ)
6:06 Te Ahi Kaa: Exploring issues and events from a tangata whenua perspective(RNZ)
7:06 One in Five: The issues and experience of disability, with Mike Gourley(RNZ)
7:35 The Strand: A glimpse into the world of art, writing and books (BBC)
8:06 PM. Sounds Historical with Jim Sullivan
New Zealand stories from the past
10:12 PM. Mediawatch
Critical examination and analysis of recent performance and trends in New Zealand's news media (RNZ)
10:40 PM. Wayne's Music
Wayne Mowat presents a selection of tunes too good to be forgotten(RNZ)
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