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Tuesday 7 December 2010 Rātū 7 Hakihea 2010
12:04 AM. All Night Programme
Including: 12:06 Music after Midnight; 12:30 At the Movies (RNZ); 1:15 Primary People (RNZ); 2:05 Round Midnight with Martin Kwok (RNZ); 3:05 The Three Musketeers, by Alexandre Dumas (RNZ);3:35 An Author's View(RNZ) 5:10 He Rourou (RNZ)
6:00 AM. Morning Report
Radio New Zealand's three-hour breakfast news show with news and interviews, bulletins on the hour and half-hour, including:
6:18 Pacific News
6:22 Rural News
6:27 & 8:45 Waatea News
6:44 & 7:41 NZ Newspapers
6:47 Business News
7:42 & 8:34 Sports News
9:06 AM. Nine to Noon with Kathryn Ryan
Current affairs and topics of interest, including:
10:45 Far from the Milling Crowd, by Jane Swan
After losing her own son in a boating accident, a grandmother vainly tries to steer her young grandson away from his obsession with the sea and with boats(RNZ)
Noon Midday Report
Radio New Zealand news, followed by updates and reports until 1.00pm, including:
12:16 Business News
12:26 Sport
12:34 Rural News
12:43 Worldwatch
1:06 PM. Afternoons with Jim Mora
Information and debate, people and places around New Zealand
5:00 PM. Checkpoint
Radio New Zealand's two-hour news and current affairs programme, including:
5:15 Business Headlines
5:30 & 6:30 News and Sport
5:45 & 6:45 Waatea News
7:06 PM. Nights with Bryan Crump
Entertainment and information, including:
7:30 The Sampler: Nick Bollinger casts a critical ear over the latest CD offerings (RNZ)
8:15 Windows on the World: International public radio features and documentaries
9:06 The Tuesday Feature:The Great Textbook War (APM)
10:00 PM. News and Late Edition
Radio New Zealand news, including Dateline Pacific and the day's best interviews from Radio New Zealand National
11:06 PM. World of Music with Mark Coles (BBC)
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