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Sunday 5 December 2010 Rātapu 5 Hakihea 2010
12:04 AM. All Night Programme
Including: 12:06 Music after Midnight; 12:30 History Repeated (RNZ); 1:05 Our Changing World(RNZ); 2:05 Spiritual Outlook; 2:36 Hymns (RNZ); 3:06 The Flat on Canon Street, by Karen Goa(RNZ);3:30 NZ Books (RNZ); 4:30 One Planet (BBC); 5:45 Auckland Stories(RNZ)
6:08 AM. Storytime
Robbie's Bike, by Kingi McKinnon, told by Vanessa Rare; The Parcel that Captured Lucy, by Marie Stuttard, told by Jennifer Ward-Lealand; The Silent One, by Joy Cowley, told by Whetu Fala; Rather, by Hope Hucklesby, told by Helen Moulder; Impossible Swim, by Marlene Bennetts, told by Kirstie O'Sullivan(RNZ)
7:08 AM. Hymns for Sunday Morning
Presented by Maureen Garing (RNZ)
7:35 AM. Weekend Worldwatch
The stories behind the international headlines (RNZ)
8:10 AM. Sunday Morning with Chris Laidlaw
Discussion, features and music, including:
8:12 Insight; 8:40 Feature Interview; 9:06 Mediawatch; 9:45 Sunday Outlook; 10:06 Ideas; 10:45 Hidden Treasures with Trevor Reekie; 11:05 Sunday People; 11:45 Dougal Stevenson's Notes from the South (fortnightly); 11:50 Feedback
12:15 PM. Spectrum
Caring for the Unquiet Earth - volunteers care for Wellington's Bolton St cemetery which dates from 1840. Its closure fifty years later should have ensured that this hill near Parliament would remain undisturbed. But erosion and a motorway's intrusion have given it an unquiet history (RNZ)
12:40 PM. The Arts on Sunday with Lynn Freeman
Information and analysis from the world of books, arts and movies, including:
1:06 At the Movies with Simon Morris; 2:04 Comedy; 2:25 Books
3:04 The Sunday Drama: The Good Doctor by Damon Galgut, dramatised by Martyn Wade (BBC)
4:06 PM. 4 'til 8 with Katrina Batten
A selection of special interest programmes, including:
4:07 The Sunday Feature: The Great Textbook War
What should children learn in school? It's a question that's stirred debate for decades, and in 1974 it led to violent protests in West Virginia. Schools were hit by dynamite, buses were riddled with bullets, and coal mines were shut down. A Radioworks documentary on the historic fight over a new set of textbooks (APM)
5:10 Spiritual Outlook: Spiritual discussion and debate (RNZ)
5:36 Waiata Maori Music: Eru Rerekura showcases Maori artists and music (RNZ)
6:06 Te Ahi Kaa: Exploring issues and events from a tangata whenua perspective(RNZ)
7:06 One in Five: The issues and experience of disability, with Mike Gourley(RNZ)
7:35 The Strand: A glimpse into the world of art, writing and books (BBC)
8:06 PM. Sounds Historical with Jim Sullivan
New Zealand stories from the past
10:12 PM. Mediawatch
Critical examination and analysis of recent performance and trends in New Zealand's news media (RNZ)
10:40 PM. Wayne's Music
Wayne Mowat presents a selection of tunes too good to be forgotten(RNZ)
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