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Saturday 25 December 2010 Rāhoroi 25 Hakihea 2010
12:04 AM. All Night Programme
Including: 12:04 Wayne's Christmas Music (RNZ); 1:30 From the World (BBC);2:30 Waiata Maori Music (RNZ); 3:15 Ha Ha, Merry Christmas, by Michael Wilson (RNZ); 3:30 The Week (RNZ)
6:00 AM. Sugar and Spice's Christmas Morning
Christmas fairies Sugar and Spice are back to get your Christmas morning off to an entertaining start and put you in a festive mood for the rest of the day
Noon The World at Noon
A roundup of today's national and international news
12:35 PM. ImprovFM
Improvised comedy recorded live at Circa Theatre in Wellington (RNZ)
1:06 PM. Carols at Christmas
Maddy Prior and the Carnival Band in concert(BBC)
2:06 PM. A History of the World in 100 Objects
The Director of the British Museum, Neil MacGrego, charts the history of our world over the past two million years, by telling the story of things that humans have made at different points in the period from the Stone Age to the digital age (BBC)
3:04 PM. Silent Vigil, by Jenny Pattrick
Delia is old and eccentric but at Christmas time, a neglected baby gives her reason to live(RNZ)
4:06 PM. The Returning - Alistair Te Ariki Campbell and Meg Campbell
A tribute to two notable New Zealand poets who have passed away (RNZ)
5:00 PM. The World at Five
A roundup of today's national and international news
5:12 PM. Being Joseph
The story of Christ's birth in Bethlehem is retold every year, yet what's usually overlooked is that for one person it must have been a time of emotional turmoil. Joseph, a man from the proud line of King David, found himself stepfather to the new-born baby, at a time and in a culture when such births would have carried considerable stigma (BBC)
5:48 PM. On The Band Stand
Those who know Stu Buchanan say he's responsible for developing some of Christchurch's finest musicians. He's a composer, arranger, conductor and player of jazz and blues (RNZ)
6:06 PM. The Queen's Message
Queen Elizabeth II with her annual message to the Commonwealth (BBC)
6:15 PM. Great Encounters
A memorable interview from the past week on Radio New Zealand National
7:06 PM. Christmas Night with Peter Fry
Four hours of special music, reminiscences, requests and entertainment for the day
11:06 PM. Church Service
A repeat broadcast of our service from The Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Wellington(RNZ)
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