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Monday 27 December 2010 Rāhina 27 Hakihea 2010
12:04 AM. All Night Programme
Including: 12:06 Music after Midnight; 12:30 Discovery (BBC); 1:05 Talking Heads: The Royal Society Lectures on Brain & Behaviour (RNZ); 2:30 Biography of a Local Palate, by David Burton (RNZ); 2:45 The Vault (RNZ); 3:05 A New Bed for Christmas, by Kath Beattie (RNZ); 3:35 Science (RNZ)
6:00 AM. Summer Mornings with Stuart Keith
An early morning miscellany of music, stories and random thoughts
7:00 AM. Summer Report
Simon Morton and Rowan Quinn present two hours of news and features from here and around the world
9:06 AM. Summer Noelle
A breezy mix of conversation, music and a touch of the blarney with Noelle McCarthy
Noon Midday Report
A roundup of today's news and sport, including Worldwatch
12:35 PM. Matinee Idle
Phil O'Brien and Simon Morris present an afternoon of summer music and entertainment
5:00 PM. The World at Five
A roundup of today's news and sport, including Worldwatch
5:30 PM. Crossing Boundaries
Views from different perspectives of the globe
6:06 PM. BBC World Briefing
An hour of international news and current affairs including world sport and business segments and BBC analysis (BBC)
7:06 PM. Summer Nights
Liam Ryan ventures into the twilight zone, with interviews, popular culture, music and curiosities, including:
8:15 Windows on the World: International public radio features and documentaries
10:00 PM. News and Late Edition
Radio New Zealand news, including the day's best interviews from Radio New Zealand National
10:30 PM. The Story of Africa
A documentary series telling the history of the continent from an African perspective from the Dawn of Man to Independence(BBC)
11:06 PM. Blue Monday
Koko Taylor - An Audience with the Queen
This recording from 1987 is aptly subtitled "An Audience with the Queen". The late Koko Taylor was undoubtedly the Queen of Chicago blues as this show demonstrates and can be attested by anyone who saw her NZ tour around this period. She won an unprecedented twenty-five W C Handy Blues Awards and up until her death in June 2009 at age eighty, she was still on the road performing seventy shows a year. One of the highlights is a six minute version of her 1965 hit "Wang Dang Doodle" (Alligator)
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