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Sunday 23 October 2011 Rātapu 23 Whiringa-ā-nuku 2011
12:04 AM. All Night Programme
Including: 12:05 Music after Midnight; 12:30 History Repeated (RNZ); 1:05 Our Changing World (RNZ); 2:05 2:05 Spiritual Outlook (RNZ); 2:30 Hymns (RNZ); 3:05 Polecats Nothing, by Allyson Caseley (RNZ); 3:30 NZ Books (RNZ); 5:45 Auckland Stories (BBC)
6:08 AM. Storytime
Karate Lesson, by Willie Davis, told by Willie Davis; Josefa and the Vu, by Tulia Thompson, told by Madeleine Sami; And the Winners Are, by Diana Noonan, told by Byron Coll; John Takes a Fall, by Simon Hall, told by Lloyd Scott; Gertrude Finklebottom and the Deadly Duo, by Michelanne Forster, told by Alice Fraser (RNZ)
7:08 AM. Hymns for Sunday Morning (RNZ)
7:35 AM. Weekend Worldwatch
The stories behind the international headlines (RNZ)
8:10 AM. Sunday Morning with Chris Laidlaw
Discussion, features and music, including:
8:12 Insight; 8:40 Feature Interview; 9:06 Mediawatch; 9:45 Sunday Outlook; 10:06 Ideas; 10:45 Hidden Treasures; 11:05 Sunday People; 11:45 Dougal Stevenson's Notes from the South (fortnightly); 11:50 Feedback
12:15 PM. Spectrum
Port Albert and the Colonisers - You may never have heard of the Albertlanders. But their legacy is enshrined in the small North Auckland town of Wellsford (RNZ)
12:40 PM. The Arts on Sunday with Lynn Freeman
Information and analysis from the world of books, arts and movies, including:
1:06 At the Movies with Simon Morris; 2:04 Comedy; 2:25 Books
3:04 The Sunday Drama: Player One: What is to Become of Us by Douglas Coupland, The 2010 CBC Massey Lectures. Hour Four: Hello My Name is Monster
Television guru Leslie Freemont comes by to collect the $85,000 Rick is spending on his self-help program, he then leaves to catch a flight. While the four sit and talk oil hits $900 a barrel. Explosions and toxic snow fill the air, communications are breaking down and a sniper outside has shot and killed Warren. Trapped in the bar the four barricade themselves in. When the killer is forced inside they strap him into a chair...and in his bag he carries the scalp of Leslie Freemont (Pt 4 of 5, CBC)
4:06 PM. 4 'til 8 with Katrina Batten
A selection of special interest programmes, including:
4:07 The Sunday Feature: A documentary from New Zealand or overseas (RNZ)
5:10 Spiritual Outlook: Exploring different spiritual, moral and ethical issues and topics (RNZ)
5:36 Waiata Maori Music: Eru Rerekura showcases Maori artists and music (RNZ)
6:06 Te Ahi Kaa: Exploring issues and events from a tangata whenua perspective (RNZ)
7:06 One in Five: The issues and experience of disability (RNZ)
7:35 The Strand: A glimpse into the world of art, writing and books (BBC)
8:06 PM. Sounds Historical with Jim Sullivan
New Zealand stories from the past
10:12 PM. Mediawatch
Critical examination and analysis of recent performance and trends in New Zealand's news media (RNZ)
10:45 PM. Wayne's Music
Wayne Mowat presents a selection of tunes too good to be forgotten (RNZ)
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