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Sunday 15 January 2012 Rātapu 15 Kohi-tātea 2012

Programmes are subject to change.

  • 12:04 AM. All Night Programme

    Including: 12:05 History Repeated (RNZ); 1:05 Talking Heads 2011 (RNZ); 2:06 Spiritual Outlook (BBC); 2:35 Hymns (RNZ); (RNZ); 3:05 An Optimal Heart Rate, by Sarah Weir (RNZ); 3:30 NZ Books (RNZ); 4:30 Science (BBC)

  • 6:05 AM. Storytime

    How to go down town in your birthday suit, by Bill Cole, told by Mark Wright; How Much Land Does a Man Need? - Traditional Russian Tale; Jason's Extraordinary Hair, by Rachel Hayward, told by Jason Te Kare; The Koroua and the Mauri Stone, by Robyn Kahukiwa, told by Hinewehi Mohi; Jig, Fig and Mrs Pig, by Peter Hansard, told by Rima te Wiata; Dragor, by Pat Quinn, told by Grant Tilly; Shopping at the Mall, by Janice Marriott, told by Guy Langford (RNZ)

  • 7:08 AM. Hymns for Sunday Morning

    Presented by Paul Bushnell (RNZ)

  • 7:35 AM. Weekend Worldwatch

    The stories behind the international headlines (RNZ)

  • 8:10 AM. The Best of Sunday Morning with Chris Laidlaw

    Including: 8:12 Best of Insight; 8:40 Feature interviews and other highlights from the past year's programmes (RNZ)

  • 11:04 AM. Garrison Keillor's Radio Show

    A special programme of highlights from the award-winning show - A Prairie Home Companion (PHP)

  • Noon The World at Noon

    A roundup of today's national and international news

  • 12:12 PM. Spectrum

    People, places and events in New Zealand (RNZ)

  • 1:06 PM. Best of The Arts on Sunday

    Highlights from the 2011 arts year (RNZ)

  • 2:05 PM. A World of Possibilities (MMP)

  • 3:05 PM. The Sunday Drama

    The Pickle King, by Jacob Ranjan - a special radio adaptation of the Indian Ink company's award-winning romantic comedy set in a Wellington Hotel (RNZ)

  • 4:06 PM. The Sunday Feature

    Smart Talk at the Auckland Museum: Water Issues

    Smart Talk Moderator Oliver Driver leads a panel discussion with academic experts: marine scientist Professor John Montgomery, ecologist Dr Marjorie van Roon and dance studies lecturer and writer Dr Alys Longley (RNZ)

  • 5:00 PM. The World at Five

    A roundup of today's national and international news

  • 5:12 PM. Spiritual Outlook

    Exploring different spiritual, moral and ethical issues and topics (BBC)

  • 5:36 PM. Hidden Treasures with Trevor Reekie (RNZ)

  • 6:06 PM. Great Encounters

    Selections from the past year's feature interviews on Nine to Noon with Kathryn Ryan (RNZ)

  • 7:06 PM. World Book Club

    Harriett Gilbert talks to author Jo Nesbo talks to about her novel 'The Redbreast', voted the best Norwegian crime novel ever (BBC)

  • 8:06 PM. A Prairie Home Companion

    Two hours of the award-winning American radio show presented by Garrison Keillor (NPR)

  • 10:00 PM. The World at Ten

    A roundup of today's national and international news

  • 10:15 PM. Wayne's Music

    Wayne Mowat presents a selection of tunes too good to be forgotten (RNZ)

Next day - Mon 16

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