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Monday 1 June 2015 Rāhina 1 Pipiri 2015

Programmes are subject to change.

  • 12:04 AM. All Night Programme

    Including: 12:05 Music after Midnight; 12:30 At the Movies with Simon Morris (RNZ); 1:05 The Great Queen's Birthday Shemozzle, by Judith Holloway (RNZ); 2:30 NZ Music Feature (RNZ); 3. Outback Kiwi, by Dave Hayward (RNZ); 3:30 Science (RNZ); 5:10 War Report (RNZ)

  • 6:00 AM. Breakfast with Stuart Keith

    An early miscellany of music, stories and random thoughts, including:

    7:35 Worldwatch

  • 8:10 AM. Queen's Birthday Morning with Jesse Mulligan

    An upbeat mix of the curious and the compelling. Jesse Mulligan hosts a holiday-paced show designed to uncover some of NZ's lesser known stories, and to look at the stories we think we know in a new and unexpected light

  • Noon Midday Report

    A roundup of today's news and sport

  • 12:12 PM. Matinee Idle

    Phil O'Brien and Simon Morris present an afternoon of alleged music and dubious entertainment

  • 5:00 PM. The 5 O'clock Report

    A roundup of today's news and sport

  • 5:12 PM. Moved to Work

    An immigrant herself, Lize Immelman wonders why refugees have such a hard time finding work. She talks to three residents in Newtown about their experiences and to MP Annette King, Andrew Lockhart from Immigration NZ and academic Gradon Diprose about why work is so important to our lives (RNZ)

  • 6:00 PM. Elements: Nitrogen

    We've all heard about the carbon cycle and global warming, but nitrogen is at the heart of another less famous elemental imbalance that could also result in catastrophe. It all began a century ago when a pair of German chemists first cracked the problem of how to split open the inert nitrogen molecules found in the air, opening the way to a seemingly unlimited supply of fertiliser - without which much of the world could not feed itself. Yet their discovery also opened the way to tragedy, death and destruction and a potential environmental Armageddon (BBC)

  • 7:06 PM. Tiny School in Murupara goes global

    Total Immersion Maori-Mandarin-Japanese goes global in a tiny rural school. An hour from Rotorua, with only 150 students enrolled, Te Kura Kaupapa Motuhake O Tawhiuau - a new entrant to senior students school in Murupara township - has a total immersion approach to learning Te Reo Maori, Mandarin and Japanese, and they are also going global. With their Mandarin and Japanese teachers and around 10 Mandarin language assistants, they are looking to produce the next generation of global citizens, all under the leadership of their visionary Principal, Pembroke Bird. Lynda Chanwai-Earle travels to Murupara to meet the students of this little school with big dreams, the next generation of global citizens. She finds out why being multi-lingual is the way of the future (RNZ)

  • 8:06 PM. Global Business

  • 8:30 PM. Windows on the World

    International public radio features and documentaries

  • 9:30 PM. Insight

    An award-winning documentary programme providing comprehensive coverage of national and international current affairs (RNZ)

  • 10:00 PM. The 10 O'clock Report

    A roundup of today's news and sport

  • 10:30 PM. What's The Word (RNZ)

  • 11:06 PM. Blues Unlimited

    Exploring the wonderful world of the Blues and its history, heritage and rich cultural traditions with host "Sleepy Boy Hawkins" (4 of 12, PRX)

Next day - Tue 02

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