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Sunday 31 May 2015 Rātapu 31 Haratua 2015

Programmes are subject to change.

  • 12:04 AM. All Night Programme

    Including: 12:05 Music after Midnight; 12:30 History Repeated (RNZ); 1:05 Our Changing World (RNZ); 2:05 Spiritual Outlook (RNZ); 2:35 Hymns on Sunday 3:05 Astray, by Chris Tse (RNZ); 3:30 Te Waonui a Te Manu Korihi (RNZ); 4:30 Science in Action (BBC)

  • 6:08 AM. Storytime

    Poor Dad, by Judith Holloway, told by Fiona Samuel; Rough on Rats, by David Somerset, told by Peter Vere-Jones; Shooting Star, written and told by Apirana Taylor; Wooden Fish, by Tim Tipene, told by Dave Fane; Three Cheers for Lilly, by Halcyone Rust, told by Emma Dee; Harold tells a Ghost Story, by Roger Hall, told by Bruce Phillips (RNZ)

  • 7:08 AM. Sunday Morning with Wallace Chapman

    A fresh attitude on current affairs, the news behind the news, documentaries, sport from the outfield, music and including:

    7:43 The Week in Parliament: An in-depth perspective of legislation and other issues from the house (RNZ)

    8:10 Insight: An award-winning documentary programme providing comprehensive coverage of national and international current affairs (RNZ)

    9:06 Mediawatch: Critical examination and analysis of recent performance and trends in NZ's news media (RNZ)

  • 12:12 PM. Spectrum: Anjalee

    Anjalee the elephant is on her way to Auckland - via a 90 day stopover in Niue. The eight-year-old female, the first ever elephant on the island, is passing her quarantine period there before settling in at Auckland Zoo. Not surprisingly, she's become a big hit with the locals. Spectrum's Justin Gregory is in Niue to meet Anjalee and find out what it takes to make an elephant feel at home (RNZ)

  • 12:40 PM. Standing Room Only with Lynn Freeman

    It's an 'all access pass' to what's happening in the worlds of arts and entertainment, including:

    1:10 At the Movies with Simon Morris: A weekly topical magazine about current film releases and film related topics (RNZ)

    2:05 Laugh Track

    3:04 A Short History of Contraception by Fiona Samuel (RNZ)

  • 4:06 PM. Sunday 4 'til 8

    4:06 The Sunday Feature: The Alistair Cooke Memorial Lecture - The American Civil War

    Renowned historian Professor David Blight marks the 150th anniversary of the end of the American Civil War by challenging its romanticised history (BBC)

    5:00 The 5 O'clock Report

    A roundup of today's news and sport

    5:11 Spiritual Outlook

    Exploring different spiritual, moral and ethical issues and topics (RNZ)

    5:40 Te Waonui a Te Manu Korihi

    Maori news and interviews from throughout the motu (RNZ)

    6:06 Te Ahi Kaa

    Exploring issues and events from a tangata whenua perspective (RNZ)

    7:06 One in Five

    The issues and experience of disability (RNZ)

    7:35 Voices

    Asians, Africans, indigenous Americans and more in NZ, aimed at promoting a greater understanding of our ethnic minority communities (RNZ)

    7:45 The Week in Parliament

    An in-depth perspective of legislation and other issues from the house (RNZ)

  • 8:06 PM. Sounds Historical with Jim Sullivan

    NZ stories from the past (RNZ)

  • 10:12 PM. Mediawatch

    Critical examination and analysis of recent performance and trends in NZ's news media (RNZ)

  • 11:04 PM. Maori Show Bands: I May Sail on Many a Sea

    Featuring highlights of the concert and panel discussion from the launch of the Maori Show Bands online exhibition at Te Papa in Wellington in December 2004. The programme features those veterans of the Maori Show Bands who gathered for the event (F, RNZ)

Next day - Mon 01

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