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Sunday 19 July 2015 Rātapu 19 Hōngoingoi 2015

Programmes are subject to change.

  • 12:04 AM. All Night Programme

    Including: 12:05 Music after Midnight; 12:30 History Repeated (RNZ); 1:05 Our Changing World (RNZ); 2:05 Spiritual Outlook (RNZ); 2:35 Hymns on Sunday; 3:05 Swamp Fever, written and told by Gerard Hindmarsh (5 of 10, RNZ); 3:30 Te Waonui a Te Manu Korihi (RNZ); 4:30 Science in Action (BBC)

  • 6:08 AM. Storytime

    Collecting Kaimoana, written and told by Willie Davis; Grandma McGarvey Goes To School, by Jenny Hessell, told by Dorothy McKegg; The Tree Climber, by Jenni Francis, told by Jack Buchanan; Cassidy, by David Somerset, told by Peter Vere-Jones; Eddie Hakaraia, written and told by Eliza Bidois; Miere the Bee, written and told by Apirana Taylor; That's Not Cricket, written and told by Dinah Priestley (RNZ)

  • 7:08 AM. Sunday Morning with Wallace Chapman

    A fresh attitude on current affairs, the news behind the news, documentaries, sport from the outfield, music and including:

    7:43 The Week in Parliament: An in-depth perspective of legislation and other issues from the house (RNZ)

    9:06 Mediawatch: Critical examination and analysis of recent performance and trends in NZ's news media (RNZ)

  • 12:12 PM. Spectrum: The Children's House

    Maverick and visionary, Mother Suzanne Aubert, was responsible for NZ's first purpose-built child day care centre behind Wellington's Basin Reserve. Both government and the public were suspicious of the Home of Compassion Crèche, constructed in 1914. Day care could encourage mothers to neglect their children said the values of the day. Spectrum's Jack Perkins explores the newly renovated building with Heritage architect Alison Dangerfield (RNZ)

  • 12:40 PM. Standing Room Only

    It's an 'all access pass' to what's happening in the worlds of arts and entertainment, including:

    3:04 The Drama Hour: Highlighting radio playwriting and performance

  • 4:06 PM. Sunday 4 'til 8

    4:06 The Sunday Feature: You Call This Art?: The feeling of Zizz

    Filmmakers, performance artists, musicians, actors, sculptors and writers explore their approach to creating art. In this edition, host Justin Gregory queries dancer and choreographer Louise Potiki Bryant, composer and performer Dudley Benson and landscape architect Megan Wraight about the rewards of collaboration and the difficulties of solo creation. Film maker Roger Horrocks previews his upcoming biography of Len Lye (2 of 3, RNZ)

    5:00 The 5 O'clock Report

    A roundup of today's news and sport

    5:11 Spiritual Outlook

    Exploring different spiritual, moral and ethical issues and topics (RNZ)

    5:40 Te Waonui a Te Manu Korihi

    Maori news and interviews from throughout the motu (RNZ)

    6:06 Te Ahi Kaa

    Exploring issues and events from a tangata whenua perspective (RNZ)

    7:06 One in Five

    The issues and experience of disability (RNZ)

    7:35 Voices

    Asians, Africans, indigenous Americans and more in NZ, aimed at promoting a greater understanding of our ethnic minority communities (RNZ)

    7:45 The Week in Parliament

    An in-depth perspective of legislation and other issues from the house (RNZ)

  • 8:06 PM. Sounds Historical with Jim Sullivan

    NZ stories from the past (RNZ)

  • 10:12 PM. Mediawatch

    Critical examination and analysis of recent performance and trends in NZ's news media (RNZ)

  • 11:04 PM. The Subcontinental

    Bollywood: Every Bollywood movie has songs - it's basically the pop music of India. And Bollywood wouldn't be Bollywood without all those songs. The Bollywood tradition is relatively recent, but it comes from deep cultural roots: the song and dance that have permeated the culture of the Indian Subcontinent for hundreds of years. And yet Bollywood composers also shamelessly copy from all musical styles. So it's kind of like a mix of music styles from around the world - the most global music there is. And best of all, it's infectious, it's festive and, well, it just makes the world a better, happier place. This documentary takes you on a journey through the history of Bollywood music featuring classic songs and recent hits along with interviews with comedian Russell Peters, filmmaker Deepa Mehta (Water, Bollywood/Hollywood), Bollywood choreographer and dance sensation Shiamak Davar and Ameen Merchant, author of The Silent Raga, among others (1 of 2, CBC)

Next day - Mon 20

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