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Sunday 12 March 2017 Rātapu 12 Poutū-te-rangi 2017
12:04 AM. All Night Programme
12:05 Music after Midnight; 12:30 A Sound of Life (RNZ); 1:05 Our Changing World (RNZ); 2:05 Heart and Soul (BBC); 2:35 Hymns on Sunday; 3:05 Morehu by Anahera Gildea (2 of 2, RNZ); 3:30 Te Waonui a Te Manu Korihi; 4:30 CrowdScience (BBC); 5:10 The Kindness of Strangers by Shonagh Koea (7 of 10, RNZ) 5:45 Historical Highlight (RNZ)
6:08 AM. Storytime
Oliver Agnew's Wild Imagination, by Diana Noonan, told by Peter Hambleton; Tree Felling, by Jane Knight, told by Iulia Leilua; Trees belong to everyone., by Diana Noonan, told by Alice Fraser; Polaman's Sacred Fish, by David Somerset, told by Catherine Downes; Nicketty Nacketty Noo Noo Noo, by Joy Cowley, told by Davina Whitehouse; Pins and Needles, by Janet Slater Bottin, told by Jennifer Ludlam; The Nickle Nackle Tree, by Lynley Dodd, told by Grant Tilly; Hone's Jersey, by Paddy Richardson, told by Jason Te Kare (RNZ)
7:10 AM. Sunday Morning with Wallace Chapman
A fresh attitude on current affairs, the news behind the news, in-depth documentaries, sport from the outfield, politics from the insiders, plus Mediawatch, 'The House' and music
7:35 The House
Legislation, issues and insights from Parliament (RNZ)
8:10 Insight
An award-winning documentary programme providing comprehensive coverage of national and international current affairs (RNZ)
9:06 Mediawatch
Critical examination and analysis of recent performance and trends in New Zealand's news media (RNZ)
7:35 AM. The House
Legislation, issues and insights from Parliament (RNZ)
8:10 AM. Insight
An award-winning documentary programme providing comprehensive coverage of national and international current affairs (RNZ)
9:06 AM. Mediawatch
Critical examination and analysis of recent performance and trends in New Zealand's news media (RNZ)
12:12 PM. Standing Room Only
It's an 'all access pass' to what's happening in the worlds of arts and entertainment
1:10 At the Movies with Simon Morris
A weekly topical magazine programme about current film releases and film-related topics. (RNZ)
2:05 The Laugh Track
1:10 PM. At the Movies with Simon Morris
A weekly topical magazine programme about current film releases and film-related topics. (RNZ)
2:05 PM. The Laugh Track
3:04 PM. The 3 O'Clock Drama: The Collective by Jean Betts
A dramatisation based on John Fuegi's book re-examining the authorship of Bertolt Brecht's famous plays, and his exploitative and deceitful relationships with the writers (mostly women) responsible (RNZ)
4:06 PM. WOMAD 2016
Ladysmith Black Mambazo (RNZ)
5:00 PM. The World at Five
A roundup of today's news and sport
5:11 PM. Heart and Soul
For centuries Ireland sent out missionaries to spread the Catholic word to areas across the globe. Its seminaries were full and so were its churches. However today, things have changed dramatically. Priests are now being brought in from those same places that were once evangelised by the Irish - notably parts of Africa - to make up for the shortage of those willing to take up the role at home.(BBC)
5:40 PM. Te Waonui a Te Manu Korihi
A round-up of the Maori news for the week with our Te Manu Korihi team (RNZ)
6:06 PM. Te Ahi Kaa
Exploring issues and events from a tangata whenua perspective (RNZ)
6:40 PM. Voices
Highlighting the activities and experiences of people with different backgrounds (RNZ)
7:05 PM. The TED Radio Hour
A crafted hour of ideas worth sharing presented by Guy Raz (NPR)
8:06 PM. Sunday Night with Grant Walker
An evening of music and nostalgia (RNZ)
10:00 PM. The 10 O'Clock Report
A roundup of today's news and sport
10:12 PM. Mediawatch
Critical examination and analysis of recent performance and trends in New Zealand's news media (RNZ)
10:45 PM. The House
Legislation, issues and insights from Parliament (RNZ)
11:04 PM. The Retro Cocktail Hour
An hour of music that's "shaken, not stirred" every week from the Underground Martini Bunker at Kansas Public Radio (KPR)
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