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Sunday 7 May 2017 Rātapu 7 Haratua 2017
12:04 AM. All Night Programme
12:05 Music after Midnight; 12:30 Farewell Campo 12 by James Hargest read by Ray Henwood (7 of 14, RNZ); 1:05 Our Changing World (RNZ); 2:05 Heart and Soul (BBC); 2:35 Hymns on Sunday; 3:05 Smashed by Mandy Hager read by Peter Huang (7 of 12, RNZ); 3:30 Te Waonui a Te Manu Korihi; 4:30 CrowdScience (BBC); 5:10 Hand Me Down World by Lloyd Jones (3 of 12, RNZ) 5:45 Historical Highlight (RNZ)
6:08 AM. Storytime
Frog School, by Apirana Taylor, told by Apirana Taylor; Grandma McGarvey takes a Dive, by Jenny Hessell, told by ElizabethMcRae; Little Red Riding Hood Not Quite, by Yvonne Morrison, told by Genevieve McClean & Finn Hagen; Barrels of Fun, by Ruby Corbett, told by Prue Langbein; The Pink Bowl, by Barbara Hill, told by Helen Moulder; The Fleamarket, by Maria Samuela, told by Nancy Brunning; The Pink Bowl, by Barbara Hill, told by Helen Moulder (RNZ)
7:10 AM. Sunday Morning with Wallace Chapman
A fresh attitude on current affairs, the news behind the news, in-depth documentaries, sport from the outfield, politics from the insiders, plus Mediawatch, 'The House' and music
7:11 The 9th Floor - Five Former Prime Ministers talk to Guyon Espiner.
Helen Clark (1999-2008) (5 of 5 RNZ)
8:10 Insight
An award-winning documentary programme providing comprehensive coverage of national and international current affairs (RNZ)
9:06 Mediawatch
Critical examination and analysis of recent performance and trends in New Zealand's news media (RNZ)
11:45 The House
Legislation, issues and insights from Parliament (RNZ)
12:12 PM. Standing Room Only
It's an 'all access pass' to what's happening in the worlds of arts and entertainment
1:10 At the Movies with Simon Morris
A weekly topical magazine programme about current film releases and film-related topics (RNZ)
2:05 The Laugh Track
3:04 PM. The 3 O'Clock Drama: City of Hands by Stephen Bain & Deborah Tucker
A Car-yard competition takes on the air of a life or death struggle (RNZ)
4:06 PM. The Sunday Feature - Pantograph Punch:
Glass Warfare
The number of female CEOS in New Zealand's top 50 listed companies is sitting at... zero. What's going on? Does the idea of 'smashing the glass ceiling' still reflect what modern society needs? And what does femininity look like in a space that's often structured for - and filled with - men? Some of Aotearoa's best leaders and thinkers - Theresa Gattung, Ranjna Patel, Anne Blackburn and Rob Campbell - tackle some tough questions, share battle stories, and discuss blueprints for the future (4 of 4, RNZ) -
5:00 PM. The World at Five
A roundup of today's news and sport
5:11 PM. Heart and Soul
Sacred Songs of the Sikhs.
The YouTube generation are re-inventing Kirtan, an ancient form of Sikh worship.
Kirtan, the devotional singing of the Sikh holy book, the Guru Granth Sahib, has traditionally been accompanied by tabla or harmonium. Today, a new generation of Sikhs are uploading their own style of Kirtan to the global diaspora. (BBC) -
5:40 PM. Te Waonui a Te Manu Korihi
A round-up of the Maori news for the week with our Te Manu Korihi team (RNZ)
6:06 PM. Te Ahi Kaa
Exploring issues and events from a tangata whenua perspective (RNZ)
6:40 PM. Voices
Highlighting the activities and experiences of people with different backgrounds (RNZ)
7:05 PM. The TED Radio Hour
A crafted hour of ideas worth sharing presented by Guy Raz (NPR)
8:06 PM. Sunday Night with Grant Walker
An evening of music and nostalgia (RNZ)
10:00 PM. The 10 O'Clock Report
A roundup of today's news and sport
10:12 PM. Mediawatch
Critical examination and analysis of recent performance and trends in New Zealand's news media (RNZ)
10:45 PM. The House
Legislation, issues and insights from Parliament (RNZ)
11:04 PM. Joe Strummer's London Calling
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