Babyfood manufacturer Nutricia says it hopes to have brands of Karicare infant formula implicated in Fonterra's contamination scare back on shop shelves soon.
Fonterra says all 38 tonnes of its whey protein used by other manufacturers has been tracked down and either recalled, held back by its customers, or deemed safe.
The whey protein was contaminated with a bacterium that can cause botulism by a dirty pipe at one of the company's processing plants in Waikato in May 2012.
The Ministry for Primary Industries is still warning parents not to use any remaining formula from the affected Karicare ranges and has banned exports of the two brands for the time being. The brands are Karicare Stage 1 New Baby Infant Formula and Karicare Gold Plus Stage 2 Follow On Formula.
Nutricia says it is working closely with the Ministry to verify all data, and hopes to have the products back on market shelves soon.
The company says it is too soon to consider the financial impact of the contamination and subsequent product recalls, and its focus is now on the safety of its customers rather than seeking compensation from Fonterra.
Fonterra says all of the contaminated product has now either been recalled, contained by its customers, or deemed safe.