24 Jun 2024

Total Recall: Turbinium from the planet Mars

From Sci Fi / Sci Fact, 5:00 am on 24 June 2024
A man in cosplay of Kuato from Total Recall, so he has a baby-like doll coming out of his stomach and holding a gun above his head.

Cosplay of Kuato from Total Recall Photo: By William Tung from USA - WonderCon 2015 - Kuato cosplay, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=41747059

Turbinium is the main plot driver in the 1990 movie Total Recall, as Arnold Schwarzenegger's character Douglas Quaid tries to bring down a a tyrannical dictator who is keeping the planet Mars in a uninhabitable state so he can make millions off the mining of the valuable ore.

Samuel Martín Treceño, Ph.D. Candidate at the University of Canterbury, working in the lab of MacDiarmid researcher Aaron Marshall, gives us his scientific take on Turbinium.

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