Andrew Hampton
New SIS threat report details security risks
The SIS says threats to New Zealand's national security are increasingly likely to come from within - be it disgruntled government employees or those in desperate need of extra cash. Audio
NZ private sector vulnerable to espionage: SIS head
SIS boss Andrew Hampton tells Kathryn there are undoubtedly bad actors who will try to exploit New Zealand private sector businesses, especially those who need investment. Audio
GCSB boss concerned at hacks from China exploiting security vulnerabilities
New Zealand's cyber security agency believes China has been behind numerous hack attacks spanning years.
The government joined western allies and Japan in calling out Beijing for so-called… Video, Audio
Security agencies launch recruitment campaign
GCSB Director-General Andrew Hampton joins The Panel to talk about the jobs on offer. Audio
Spy agency boss on criminal cyber attacks
Kathryn Ryan speaks with GCSB director-general Andrew Hampton about the repeated cyber attacks targetting the NZX in August, which crashed the website and forced several halts in trading. MetService… Audio
GCSB spending too much time on easily avoidable hacks
The Government Communications Security Bureau says it's spending too much time getting involved in cyber attack cases that could have been easily avoided. Audio
Business News for 7 February 2020
News from the business sector, including a market report. Audio
GCSB establishes links between Chinese state and IP thefts
The Government Communications Security Bureau says it's established links between the Chinese Ministry of State Security and a global campaign of cyber-enabled commercial intellectual property theft. Audio
NZ joins Britain, Oz in blaming Russia for global cyber attacks
New Zealand has joined Britain and Australia in laying the blame for a wave of global cyber attacks at the door of Russian military intelligence - the GRU. Video, Audio
GCSB points to Russian cyber attacks on NZ
As the US and UK issue a joint warning about worldwide cyber attacks, the Government Communications Security Bureau names Russia as being behind some of the 122 serious incidents last year. In a rare… Audio
The spy boss who loves indie
Andrew Hampton is an expert on American indie rock of the 80s and 90s. He also happens to be the director of the Government Communications Security Bureau. Audio
No-one should be shocked by close Five Eyes relationship
Newsletters from 2003, released by The Intercept website, show close and regular communication between the United States' National Security Agency (NSA) and the GCSB, as part of the Five Eyes… Audio
GCSB gets new director
Andrew Hampton is to be the new director of the Government Communications Security Bureau.