Covid 19
Consumer NZ receives complaints relating to the pandemic
Jessica Wilson Head of Research for Consumer New Zealand talks about the range of complaints they've received in relation to the Covid 19 pandemic and sunsequent lockdown. Audio
How to make friends online and not alienate people
People are trying to stay connected globally at the moment and a big part of that has been on social media. But while some celebrities are using their power for good, others are in it for what can be… Audio
The most watched committee
The Epidemic Response Committee has had its first meeting. Probably no committee has been more watched - but is it normal?
PM's Covid 19 response media conference
New Zealand's supermarkets will close on Good Friday, but will be able to open on Easter Sunday, the Prime Minister has confirmed. Jacinda Ardern has given the latest post-Cabinet media briefing as… Audio
Tracing and testing needs to ramp up to beat Covid-19
A lockdown in itself won't be enough to eliminate Covid-19 in New Zealand, Parliament's Epidemic Committee has been told.
The Health Minister, David Clark, and the Director General of Health, Ashley… Audio
GPS cry for help over mass transition to virtual consulting
GPs are calling for urgent financial assistance as they make the quantum shift to virtual consulting due to Covid-19. They warn already doctors are subsidising their practices and some may be forced… Audio
First Covid Death In New Zealand Creates Anxiety
Dr Dougal Sutherland, Clinical Psychologist from Victoria University of Wellington says anxiety is normal as we face New Zealand's first Covid death. Audio
Story Of The Day For 30 March 2020
Which Generation is the best prepared for lockdown life? One writer argues that it's Gen X, thanks to pet rocks, queueing for hit movies and livin under the threat of nuclear war Audio
Shopping, cooking and eating under lockdown
Chef and cookbook author Kathy Gunst is living under Covid 19 restrictions and has advice on what to cook to use what's already in your pantry, and how to shop for food that will stretch for a week or… Audio
Funeral directors ask Health Ministry to change level 4 regulations
Funeral Directors have put recommendations to the Ministry of Health which would enable more whānau to visit their loved ones who have died.
One of the funeral homes who have put recommendations… Audio
Coronavirus: Trump backs off on plans to quarantine New York
US President Donald Trump has backtracked on his initial plan to quarantine New York because of the coronavirus.
Over the weekend the President said he might impose a quarantine on New York, and… Audio
Are rural regions safer?
New Zealand suffers it’s first death due to the covid-19 coronavirus outbreak, and we ask why rural communities are most at risk from the virus. Plus a pressing question from a younger listener on… Audio
Coronavirus: Psychologist on handling the lockdown
As we head into day five of nationwide lockdown, many people will be struggling with cabin fever, or feeling stressed and anxious about what lies ahead.
Clinical psychologist Karen Nimmo speaks to… Audio
Ill-equipped isolators place strain on Great Barrier Island
Great Barrier Island sounds like the ideal place to isolate during the lockdown but resident Tom Daly, who lives there with his wife and three kids, says some people have arrived on the island… Audio
How to change your habits? Start very small
Forget thinking big. Behaviour scientist Dr. BJ Fogg says we should instead be thinking small and introducing tiny behaviours. Video, Audio
New Zealander in China: 'Life is back to normal here'
We spoke with New Zealander Lew Dagger a few weeks back ago when China was in lockdown, but now he says life is pretty much back to normal. In fact, he has even managed a sit-down meal in a… Audio
3MM: Vaughn Davis on things of beauty in times of crisis
Vaughn Davis is the owner and creative director at The Goat Farm. He offers his thoughts on a public toilet built in the darkest hours of WW2 - a story of beauty and hope that is entirely relevant in… Audio
Covering a country under lockdown
Our media have plenty of ‘emergency journalism’ experience after several major disasters and crises in recent years. But covering the whole country going into lockdown was a new one - and in spite of… Audio
Remdesivir looms as most likely Covid-19 drug
Remdesivir is being billed as the most promising Covid-19 drug by researchers. Andrew Joseph is a reporter at STAT covering health and medicine who has been looking into Remdesivir. Audio
Linda Clark and Michael Barnett on NZ's Covid-19 response
Today marks day four of New Zealand's nationwide Covid-19 lockdown. We're joined by commentators Linda Clark and Michael Barnett to see how they feel New Zealand is handling the situation. Audio