Marama Fox
Gareth Morgan calls for rethink of NZ's drinking age
Should the drinking age be raised to 20? MPs voted against it in 2012, but now Opportunities Party leader Gareth Morgan is calling for a rethink. Bridget Burke did a ring around of the various party… Audio
Pacific candidates selected for NZ Maori Party
Pacific people in New Zealand sign up to be Maori Party election candidates. Audio, Gallery
The Anatomy of a Question
It was a tumultuous week in Parliament and we analyse one afternoon’s action for the strategies behind the ruckus. Audio
The Anatomy of a Question
It was a tumultuous week in Parliament and we analyse one afternoon’s action for the strategies behind the ruckus.
AudioHealth Minister says soldiers will accept smoking ban
The Health Minister, Jonathan Coleman says soldiers are used to following orders, so he doubts they'll have trouble accepting a ban on smoking. The Defence Force intends to be the world's first… Audio
Winston says it's the "W" Budget, Labour says tax changes too skewed to wealthy
Political parties react to National Government's 9th Budget, with Labour saying the tax changes are too skewed to the wealthy and the Greens saying the environment has been left out. Video, Audio
Helen Clark: no regrets over Foreshore and Seabed controversy
In RNZ's latest edition of 'The 9th Floor,' former Prime Minister Helen Clark insists she has no regrets about her government's handling of the Foreshore and Seabed controversy in 2004. At the time… Audio
Meet the Newsmaker: Marama Fox
Newsmaker - Marama Fox is a frequent critic of the government, despite the Māori Party, which she co-leads, being one of its support partners. She sat down for a chat with RNZ.
Maori Party say Government's decision on whanau a win
The Government has decided to take another look at the role of the wider family in new child safety laws.
The Social Development Minister, Anne Tolley, has admitted the wording around priorities… Audio
Maori say Government's decision on whanau a win
The Maori Party is pleased the Social Development Minister is bowing to pressure to give whanau a higher priority in child protection law. The Maori Party co-leader, Marama Fox, says the issue was a… Audio
Death and pensions
Only two things are certain in this life; death and taxes, and hopefully a pension but the pension may come later than expected and having a choice about how we die is up for discussion. Audio
Death and pensions
Only two things are certain in this life; death and taxes, and hopefully a pension but the pension may come later than expected and having a choice about how we die is up for discussion.
AudioAct joins call for inquiry into historical abuse in state care
All three of National's support partners support an inquiry into the historical abuse of children in state care. The Prime Minister, Bill English, has knocked back calls for an inquiry, questioning… Audio
The Maori Party co-leader Marama Fox
The Maori Party co-leader Marama Fox is at Orakei Marae in Auckland where the Prime Minister, Bill English, is due to arrive shortly. Audio
What are you reading?
Maori Party MP Marama Fox tells us what she has been reading this Summer. Audio
A Christmas message from Maori Party
A Christmas message from Maori Party co-leader Marama Fox. Audio
Marama Fox sings a Christmas song for Checkpoint
Marama Fox performed a Christmas song in Parliament yesterday, which amused her colleagues, delighted New Zealanders and made international headlines. Today, she visited RNZ to perform another song… Video, Audio
Jabs, barbs and a song mark end of Parliament for year
Parliament signs off for the year with a Christmas wish list and a novel carol. Audio
Govt support partner refuses to vote for key bill in parliament
A Government bill to overhaul the state care sector has passed its first reading in parliament. But the Maori party, a support partner, has voted against supporting the Children, Young Persons, and… Audio
Maori Party supports Bill English as the new National leader
The Maori Party co-leader, Marama Fox, says Bill English is the logical choice to be the National Party's new leader. Audio