Marama Fox
Matangireia - Marama Fox
Former co-leader of the Maori Party Marama Fox entered parliament in 2014. During her term, she says she experienced overt racism, and was against using the term 'Vulnerable' in the now named… Audio
Matangireia | Season 1 | Trailer
Matangireia examines the legacies of six former Māori politicians from across the political spectrum, who share frank insights with series host Morgan Godfery. Video, Audio
Matangireia | Season 1 | Episode 6: Marama Fox
They called her "the Foxy Lady," and just a few weeks after entering Parliament, Masterton mother-of-nine Marama Fox almost brought down her party’s government. Video, Audio
Marama Fox convicted for drink driving
Marama Fox has been convicted and fined for drink driving after 21 years of sobriety - but the former Māori Party co-leader says she was behind the wheel to escape a threatening situation and made a… Audio
TPP: Māori call for clarity over Treaty of Waitangi clause
Some Māori are demanding greater clarity about how the revised Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) will affect the government's Treaty of Waitangi obligations. Two years ago there were huge protests… Audio
'We need to pave way for our rangatahi' - Marama Fox
Tukoroirangi Morgan, the president of the Maori Party, has announced his resignation and has called for the party's co-leaders to follow suit. It follows a disastrous election result which saw the… Audio
Māori Party plans future after Tuku Morgan quits
Tukoroirangi Morgan has stood aside as President of the Māori Party, and other members of the executive have also stepped down. The party is no longer in Parliament; losing its only electorate seat… Audio
Māori Party firmly focused on 2020
Perhaps the biggest upset on Saturday night was the Maori party's exit from Parliament. Te Ururora Flavell failed to win his seat of Waiariki - the only electorate held by the party. His co-leader… Audio
'We have to have a vote of faith in ourselves' - Marama Fox
A coalition between Jacinda and herself, 'would have been a dream come true'. Maori Party leader Marama Fox says. Maori Party co-leader Marama Fox is unlikely to gain Ikaroa-Rawhiti from Labour's Meka… Video, Audio
Arts, Culture and Heritage: What’s in it for you?
Funding and support for Artists and the Arts are the main election issues facing the major political parties in respect to Arts, Culture and Heritage. In the build up to Election 2017 Upbeat on RNZ…
Political discussion: Arts, Culture and Heritage with Maori co-leader Marama Fox
Maori Party co-leader Marama Fox contributes to this week’s ongoing discussion on arts, culture and heritage policy. With just over a week until the general election what will the Maori Party offer… Audio
Shaw, Fox and Seymour debate policies - over cake
To mark the 21st birthday of MMP, Greens' James Shaw, Maori Party's Marama Fox and Act's David Seymour join John Campbell in the Checkpoint studio. Video, Audio
Quick fire questions with minor party leaders
The Green Party's James Shaw, the Maori Party's Marama Fox and ACT's David Seymour answer some quick fire questions from John Campbell. Video, Audio
Māori Party keen but wary of working with Labour - Marama Fox
Māori Party co-leader, Marama Fox, says Helen Clark never made an apology for the Foreshore and Seabed Act, and Labour is showing a similar argument in it's discussion of water rights. She says the… Audio
Next govt must engage young voters - Marama Fox
There's just over three weeks to the election, but a third of 18 to 29-year-olds eligible to vote are yet to enrol. And while there's been a surge in young people enrolling this month, there are still… Audio
Te Ikaroa-Rāwhiti: the Te Wero debate
Candidates for the Maori seat of Te Ikaroa-Rawhiti debate welfare, health funding, the Ture Whenua bill, Treaty Settlements and boot camps during the run-up to the General Election. Audio
Māori Party pitches to be 'kingmakers'
The Māori Party launched their campaign at Manurewa Marae on Sunday - the strategy remains the same - focus on the centre and pitch themselves as an independent voice, available to influence either… Audio
MPs react to shock resignation of Metiria Turei
MPs from across the political spectrum were caught unaware by the shock resignation of Green co-leader Metiria Turei. RNZ political reporter Mei Heron reports. Audio
Don Brash and Marama Fox debate the Maori seats
Do we still need Maori electorate seats in Parliament? Don Brash, a spokesperson for the Hobson's Pledge Trust which wants a referendum on the seats and Marama Fox, co-leader of the Maori Party, which… Audio
Maori Party says Peters wants a return to the Dark Ages
New Zealand First's leader, Winston Peters, says if his party is part of the next government there will be a binding referendum on whether to abolish the seven Maori electorate seats. Audio