The Opportunities Party
Raf Manji steps down from leading The Opportunities Party
Raf Manji is standing down from his role after failing to get into Parliament this election. The party received just over 2 percent of the general vote.
Can Raf Manji turn TOP's electoral fortunes around?
Does the new leader of The Opportunities Party Raf Manji have what it takes to get the party across the 5 percent threshold to get into Parliament at the 2023 election? Audio
Can Raf Manji turn TOP's electoral fortunes around?
Does the new leader of The Opportunities Party Raf Manji have what it takes to get the party across the 5 percent threshold to get into Parliament at the 2023 election?
Audio'A culture change is going on in this organisation’ - new TOP leader
The new leader of The Opportunities Party, Geoff Simmons, says he's already in talks with "all major political parties" about possible electorate deals that could see TOP win a seat. This follows a… Video, Audio
Gareth Morgan 'not going to change' - quitting TOP candidate
Yesterday The Opportunities Party founder Gareth Morgan told Morning Report that TOP will be back with a new leader to contest the next general election. But in the meantime the party continues to… Audio
The Opportunities Party to return for 2020 election
The Opportunities Party founder Gareth Morgan says the party will be back to contest the next general election, but with a new leader. The party, widely known as TOP won 2.4 percent of the vote in… Audio
TOP unlikely to get into Parliament
'Unless we have a mandate we don't deserve to be there,' The Opportunities Party leader Gareth Morgan tells John Campbell. But he says he is pleased he's educated some people. Video, Audio
Greens plead with TOP supporters for party vote
Despite The Opportunities Party consistently polling well below the five percent threshold to make it in to Parliament, Gareth Morgan is adamant his party will be there after all the votes are counted… Audio
Arts, Culture and Heritage: What’s in it for you?
Funding and support for Artists and the Arts are the main election issues facing the major political parties in respect to Arts, Culture and Heritage. In the build up to Election 2017 Upbeat on RNZ…
Political discussion: Arts, culture and heritage with TOP’s Mika Haka
We are continuing our series of conversations with arts spokespeople from some of New Zealand’s key political parties in the build-up to the general election. The Opportunities Party is the new player… Audio
F-bombs, lipstick on pigs and the PM's pimples
New Zealand’s longest serving political leader suddenly signed off this week warning that superficial stuff seemed to be drowning out real political issues in the media. Week one of the election… Audio
F-bombs, lipstick on pigs and the PM's pimples
New Zealand’s longest serving political leader suddenly signed off this week warning that superficial stuff seemed to be drowning out real political issues in the media. Week one of the election…
AudioGareth Morgan stands by 'lipstick on a pig' comment
The leader of the Opportunities Party says he was referring to the change in Labour's leadership and not specifically leader Jacinda Ardern. Video, Audio
Gareth Morgan defends 'lipstick on a pig' comment
The Opportunities Party leader Gareth Morgan has moved to back up his comment that by making Jacinda Ardern its leader, the Labour Party is putting "lipstick on a pig".
TOP launches election campaign: 'We're the new kids on the block'
The Opportunities Party has officially launched its election campaign in Wellington, with a promise to change the political landscape by getting rid of the old guard.
'Most tenants prefer flexibility' - landlords respond to Gareth Morgan's policy
The Opportunities Party has released a policy that it says will reform the Tenancy Act and prevent landlords from being able to evict tenants when they sell a property. But Property Investors… Audio
'Families can opt to be tenants forever' with Gareth Morgan's new policy
The Opportunities Party wants to protect tenants when the house they live in is sold, by making it difficult for landlords to evict them. TOP leader Gareth Morgan joins us. Video, Audio
Legalise Cannabis party President defects to TOP
The President of the Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party has announced he's defecting to Gareth Morgan's The Opportunities Party in a bid to get cannabis bill into parliament. He says TOP has a well… Audio
First time candidates: Geoff Simmons
In the fourth of our series of interviews with first time candidates in this year's general election we speak to Geoff Simmons - a former Treasury economist who is standing for The Opportunities… Audio
Party promises free pre-school
The Opportunities Party says it will push for three and four-year-olds to get free fulltime early childhood care, if it is elected.