Marama Fox
Question Time for 20 August 2015
20 Aug 2015
- MARAMA FOX to the Minister of Education: Does the Minister agree that Māori boarding schools such as Turakina have produced a considerable number of Māori leaders and, if so, what is she doing to…
Christmas message from the Maori Party co-leaders
24 Dec 2014
And our last Christmas message -- and it's one with a difference -- comes from the Maori Party's co-leaders Te Ururoa Flavell and Marama Fox Audio
Maori Party's Marama Fox becomes co-leader
3 Nov 2014
Marama Fox is the Maori Party's new co-leader. She was elected unopposed at the weekend to replace Tariana Turia and officially endorsed yesterday. Audio
Maori Party Ikaroa Rawhiti candidate Marama Fox
7 Sep 2014
As part of the series on new political candidates, we profile the Maori Party's potential Ikaroa Rawhiti MP Marama Fox. Audio