Rse Workers
Pacific RSE workers back at work in NZ
Pacific RSE workers are back at work as the clean-up and recovery efforts continue for parts of the North Island. Audio
Plenty of jobs for RSE workers in Hawke's Bay - Ministry
New Zealand's Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment says over 3800 Pacific islanders working under the Reconised Seasonal Employer scheme in the cyclone impacted Hawke's Bay region have all… Audio
One step at a time for fruit growers who face uncertain future
Orchardist Lesley Wilson and her family plan the next steps for their apple growing operation after a traumatic escape from flood waters. Audio
One step at a time for fruit growers who face uncertain future
Orchardist Lesley Wilson and her family plan the next steps for their apple growing operation after a traumatic escape from flood waters.
AudioAround the motu: Matt Brown in Marlborough
Matt talks to Kathryn about concerns about how RSE workers are being treated and how local employers have reacted to the criticisms. And how is the Cook Strait crossing holding up, with the… Audio
Sweet success for siblings at Waitaki Valley orchard
Growing stone fruit at Waitaki Orchards is a family affair. Justin and Julie Watt bought the 34-hectare property in 2003 and their six children all learnt how to prune, pick and pack. Their… Audio
Sweet success for siblings at Waitaki Valley orchard
Growing stone fruit at Waitaki Orchards is a family affair. Justin and Julie Watt bought the 34-hectare property in 2003 and their six children all learnt how to prune, pick and pack. Their…
AudioGovt orders review of RSE scheme after investigation details 'exploitation'
Workplace Relations and Safety Minister Michael Wood has confirmed the government will do a full review of the Recognised Seasonal Employer scheme early next year. Audio
Samoa PM looks to 'raise the quality' of RSE programme
The Prime Minister of Samoa has confirmed her government is looking at halting the open recruitment process for RSE workers. Audio
What life is like for an RSE worker
Covid has meant huge disruption for seasonal workers, but they're back now - if they ever left. What is it like for RSE workers who leave their families so they can feed them? Audio
What life is like for an RSE worker
Covid has meant huge disruption for seasonal workers, but they're back now - if they ever left. What is it like for RSE workers who leave their families so they can feed them?
AudioMigrant workers allowed in to New Zealand for horticultural work
The Government has announced that about 2400 more migrant workers will be allowed into New Zealand for seasonal horticultural work. Audio
RSE workers guaranteed a living wage new border exemption
The government has announced a border exemption for 2000 RSE workers from the Pacific with the condition they are paid the living wage, this is good news in the pacific but questions around the delay… Audio
From the cockpit to the tractor cab
Former pilots, cafe workers and ex sales people are just some of those looking at a career in agriculture after Covid-19 disrupted their lives. Country Life spent a day with the budding beekeepers… Audio, Gallery
From the cockpit to the tractor cab
Former pilots, cafe workers and ex sales people are just some of those looking at a career in agriculture after Covid-19 disrupted their lives. Country Life spent a day with the budding beekeepers…
AudioCrunch time for fruitpicker shortage, warnings of export losses
Time is running out to prevent hundreds of millions of dollars of export fruit rotting this summer. The horticulture and viticulture sector has been crying out for workers, and campaigns to attract… Audio
Kiwifruit harvest gets underway
The harvest of New Zealand's largest horticultural export crop has just begun. Nikki Johnson from NZKGI says, with Covid-19 restricting travel, growers are hoping there will be enough backpackers… Audio
Kiwifruit harvest gets underway
The harvest of New Zealand's largest horticultural export crop has just begun. Nikki Johnson from NZKGI says, with Covid-19 restricting travel, growers are hoping there will be enough backpackers…
AudioPerfect storm hits NZ fruit industry
A massive shortage of seasonal labour that affected this year's apple harvest is now flowing on to kiwifruit. As that crop hits its peak harvesting time, they're short of over a thousand workers for… Audio
Perfect storm hits NZ fruit industry
A massive shortage of seasonal labour that affected this year's apple harvest is now flowing on to kiwifruit. As that crop hits its peak harvesting time, they're short of over a thousand workers for…