Russ Rimmington
New report shows Te Huia hampered by Covid restrictions
It's the expensive train trial that's totally off the rails according to a new report. Less than a year since its launch, the Hamilton to Auckland train Te Huia is facing a damning review from the… Video, Audio
Te Huia train launched between Auckland and Hamilton
A regular train service connecting Hamilton with Auckland will begin next month making return trips from Frankton to Papakura twice a day during the week, and once on some Saturdays. The government… Audio
Sleepyhead estate plans hit regulatory torpor
The Waikato Chamber of Commerce has hit out at concerns being raised by the regional council over a proposed $1 billion commercial and residential development for Sleepyhead in the town of Ohinewai. Audio
Tuwharetoa takes over Taupō water testing
Tūwharetoa has officially taken over all water quality monitoring in the Taupō catchment from the Waikato Regional Council.
It marks the first time a local government has handed some function to… Audio
Will Auckland's water woes affect Waikato food producers
Waikato farmers and horticulturalists fear Auckland's water shortage will ultimately divert resources away from their operations and affect food supplies. The Government has fast-tracked Watercare… Audio
Auckland and Waikato meet again over water resources
Another hui is set to take place this afternoon, to confirm whether Auckland can take an extra 75 million litres from the Waikato River.
Authorities reached an agreement in principle two weeks ago… Audio
Regional councils celebrating waterways projects, scientists not so excited
While regional councils celebrate millions of dollars in funding for local freshwater restoration projects, scientists are not holding their breath.
The government says the 23 projects across the… Audio
Auckland's bid for water to be heard this year
In the midst of the worst water shortage in 25 years, Auckland now has a lifeline - its bid for more water from the Waikato River will be heard this year. Video, Audio
Former Hamilton mayor calls for name referendum
The city at the centre of the name changing debate is Hamilton where former mayor and Waikato Regional councillor, Russ Rimmington, has now called for a public referendum.
He believes the public… Audio
Fonterra to announce new capital structure plans
Fonterra will later today tell farmers about its new capital structure plans which in the past have sparked controversy. Audio