National: Budget a big win for Winston Peters, not wellbeing
Finance Minister Grant Robertson says some of the Budget details leaked to the opposition are right, but others are wrong, and Treasury is now investigating how National got hold of the documents. Audio
Evening Buisness for Monday 27th May
News from the business sector, including a market report. Video, Audio
Thousands of NZ children waiting months with toothache
Thousands of children across the country are being forced to suffer for months on end with severe toothache because of a huge waiting list for treatment.
As we have been reporting a Whāngarei toddler… Audio
Fans flock to buy $2.50 avocados in Taranaki
Big city folk struggling to find avocado in the shops, or those who have been left reeling at the prices being charged for them - up to $11 each - might want to consider a trip to New Plymouth.
An… Audio
Toddler with rotten teeth waits 5 months for treatment
A Whāngarei toddler with rotten teeth and a painful abscess was told to sit it out for five months with Pamol and antibiotics because of a huge waiting list for treatment.
Ivy Dyas has a condition… Audio
Struggling parents hope for boost in Wellbeing Budget
A single mother who works full-time yet struggles to provide the basics for her children says she'd like to see more funding in this week's Budget go towards helping struggling parents obtain better… Audio
IRD's upgrade: $80m of automatic tax refunds paid out
In the first week of automatic refunds, 247,379 assessments were issued including 178,457 refunds totalling $83.3 million.
Evening business for Friday 24th May
News from the business sector, including a market report. Video, Audio
Open banking slowly but surely coming to NZ
It's a new way to pay and manage money - so-called 'open banking' - and slowly but surely it's coming to New Zealand. Yesterday, the company that runs the country's electronic pay systems, Payments… Audio
The double-edged sword of the Pharmac lottery
Pharmac attracts a lot of flak for what it doesn't fund in the way of drugs - but it's also the envy of the world for its ability to negotiate down prices. Do we have the balance right? Audio
Govt relaxes debt reduction target
The Government's given itself a little spending wiggle room with the relaxation of its debt reduction target. Audio
Auckland petrol prices stay low despite regional fuel tax
Despite Aucklanders paying 11.5 cents extra in fuel tax at the pump, they're still being charged much less than many other parts of New Zealand. The petrol price watchdog Gaspy says it appears to be a… Audio
Investigating Pharmac: The NZ Buyer's Club
A cancer patient who has helped keep himself alive by buying cut-price medicines from India says he's now helping dozens of other New Zealand cancer patients who can't get medicines funded by Pharmac… Audio
Auckland petrol prices low despite regional fuel tax
It's been nearly a year since Auckland introduced an 11.5 cents a litre Regional Fuel Tax, but it appears the city's motorists are still paying less at the pumps than many other parts of the country… Audio
Evening business for Tuesday 21st May
News from the business sector, including a market report. Video, Audio
Evening Business for Friday 17th May
News from the business sector, including a market report. Video, Audio
Cheques still allowed at big banks
New Zealand's four biggest banks will continue to honour cheques, even though Kiwibank is scrapping the service.
Cheque Books - are they really obsolete?
Kiwibank will stop taking cheques from March next year, but with banks and ATMs disappearing in remote areas and the increasing emphasis on Internet banking, what happens if you're not online, or not… Audio
Kiwibank to bounce cheques for good next year
Kiwibank will be cheque-free as of February next year after reaching a "tipping point".
Credit report responses too slow - Privacy Commissioner
Most credit report companies are too slow at handling people's requests for their information to meet new timeframe deadlines coming in July, a spot check by the Privacy Commissioner has found.