Want to find a good scone in Christchurch? Now there's a map
Looking for a good cheese scone in Christchurch? There is now a website with a map.
A Christchurch man has created a map of what he believes are the best spots for cheese scones - and how much you'll… Video, Audio
Scone queen rises to world record challenge
If you're adventurous with your scones, don't pass through the beachside town of Urenui without visiting The Old Town Hall Cafe. Jo Watson runs the tea room from her historic home and so far has… Audio
Annabelle White's Buttermilk Scones
Forget those tragic rock-hard, numbers... these buttermilk scones are light and fabulous, says chef Annabelle White. The trick, she says, is to freeze and grate the butter – and touch the mixture only… Video, Audio
Camp Scones
Recipe by Paul and Rebecca Garland
From Nine To Noon on Monday 14 December 2015
Stonestead Devonshire Tea Scones
Recipe by Kevin Bold
From Nine To Noon on Monday 21 July 2014
Gavin's "Go Get Em' Girlfriend!" Scones
Recipe by Gavin You Me Now
From Afternoons on Thursday 14 October 2010
Blueberry and Yoghurt Scones
Recipe by Lois Daish
From Afternoons on Saturday 2 February 2008