When informed consent evaporates on the operating table
At North Shore hospital, anaesthetised patients were examined by student doctors without giving consent. It's likely that most don't even know it happened. Audio
Music during surgery, are there benefits?
Music in surgical operating rooms is fairly commonplace, with many believing it calms and focuses the mind. But does it? The question intrigued one musician and medical student so much, he decided to… Audio
Surgeons respond to govt's cataract surgery announcement
The government's anounced plans to end the post code lottery for cataract surgery - introducing a consistent nationwide threshold to qualify for surgery. It says that will mean three and half thousand… Video, Audio
Mediawatch for 25 June 2023
Surgery, equality and equity; starling survey results score easy exposure; independent local radio pioneer 1XX changes hands - but the mission remains the same. Audio
The Week in Detail: Waitlist algorithms, teacher strikes, and the Kermadecs
The Detail podcast brings you the issues behind the news every weekday. Here's what we covered this week. Audio
Science: Wavy wounds heal faster, loathing legalese, foamy beer
Science correspondent Allan Blackman joins Kathryn to talk about a discovery by researchers in Singapore that wavy wounds heal faster than straight wounds. What implications might that have for… Audio
Hopes for shorter surgery waits as Kaweka Hospital opens
Meanwhile health officials hope a new private hospital will help relieve the backlog of people waiting for surgery in Hawke's Bay.
Kaweka Hospital, in Hastings, held its official opening today. The… Audio
Are anti-inflammatory drugs making back pain worse?
A new series of studies are questioning the conventional wisdom of using steroids and commonly used anti-inflammatory drugs to treat chronic back pain, suggesting they could instead prolong the pain… Audio
Severe shortage of staff behind surgery waits - medical specialist
A severe shortage of specialists is the elephant in the room when it comes to clearing patient backlogs for surgery and hospital appointments.
That's according to the Association of Salaried Medical… Video, Audio
Episode 3: Some Professional Advice
One of the very first places you are going with your child on their transition is the Doctor's office. Joe talks to a couple of experts about what to expect. Audio
Osteoarthritis a growing concern for New Zealanders
Osteoarthritis is becoming increasingly common in New Zealand due to many factors - including our escalating rates of obesity. Audio
The Musical Chair: Jenene Crossan
Kiwi entrepreneur and tech innovator Jenene Crossan has become one of the unofficial faces of Long Covid sufferers in New Zealand, having first been diagnosed with Covid-19 in March, 2020. She's in… Audio
Relief for Kiwi in Italy as Covid spike dissipates
We first caught up with New Zealand expat Jackie Miller in Liguria, Italy, for our Calling Home segment in February 2020. Jackie returns for an update on life in a Covid-19 danger zone. Audio
Breeding lovely leeches
Maria Lupton has New Zealand's only leech farm, with tens of thousands of the parasites in tanks on her Waikato property. She even takes them on holiday so she can respond quickly if a hospital needs… Audio
Petition pushing to redress ovarian cancer imbalance
Jane Ludemann is spearheading a petition to Parliament asking for the development of ovarian cancer education campaigns for the public and health professionals, and is hopeful that, with enough… Audio
Life, near death and healing with the light of history
Caroline Barron embarked on a search for her father's birth family in her new book, Ripiro Beach. She wanted to find out more about where she came from and who she is. But some of what she discovered… Audio
Calling Home: Anna Dare in Toronto, Ontario
Dr. Anna Dare is the Chief Resident at the Trauma Surgery service at Toronto's Sunnybrook Hospital, but as of a few weeks ago she was redeployed to the ICU to cover shortages and help look after the… Audio
Covid-19: New York ICU worker hosting livestream parties
Dr. Steven Winnett is a Nurse Anaethetist at a New York hospital who is on the front line caring for Covid-19 patients in an ICU. In his downtime, he brings smiles to faces by hosting massive… Audio
Hospitals waiting for the post Covid-19 surge
Private hospitals that were forced to defer thousands of operations over fears Covid-19 would overwhelm the health system are preparing to start returning to do normal surgeries under alert level 3… Audio
Private hospitals on standby to help with Covid-19
Private hospitals around the country are standing ready to help if public hospitals become overwhelmed by patients. Richard Whitney, President of the Private Surgical Hospitals Association explains to… Audio