Te Ao Māori
News and perspectives for and about tangata whenua in Aotearoa
Coronavirus: More iwi checkpoints coming in Taranaki
Taranaki iwi are worried that going into Level 3 could be devastating for local Maori and it's going to set up checkpoints around the region.
Iwi leaders say not enough Maori have been tested for… Audio
Kohanga Reo advised to stay shut under lockdown level 3
The Kohanga Reo National Trust has advised all kohanga reo to remain closed under alert level 3, saying they are not willing to risk transmitting the virus to its vulnerable kaumatua or to whānau.
It… Audio
Coronavirus: Volunteer defends community checkpoints
Volunteers at community coronavirus checkpoints agree with the the National Party that clarity on their legality is nescessary.
Iwi in regions such as Te Tai Tokerau, Ngāti Porou and Ngāti Manawa… Audio
Coronavirus: National Party questions legality of checkpoints
The National Party is calling for clarity on the legality of community checkpoints.
Iwi in regions such as Te Tai Tokerau, Ngāti Porou and Ngāti Manawa have been running checkpoints to restrict… Audio
Coronavirus: Multigenerational bubbles enjoying lockdown
Whanau with three generations under one roof say the lockdown has given them time to transfer whakapapa knowledge and return to living off the land.
Nannies, koroua, tamariki and mokopuna have come… Audio
Iwi leaders pleased with delay in lockdown lift
Iwi leaders say they are pleased with the decision to hold off on lifting the level four restrictions until next week.
The Iwi Chairs Pandemic Response group has backed the move and so have a number… Audio
PM on the reasons why lockdown was extended
The vulnerable health of an urbanised Māori and Pasifika population was among reasons for extending the country's alert level 4 lockdown, the prime minister says. Audio
Coronavirus: Far North iwi want to stay at Level 4
Iwi in the Far North have joined forces to declare they don't want their region to move into Alert Level 3 next week.
They say the clear message they've received from communities is that people won't… Audio
Coronavirus: Māori leaders back extension of Alert Level 4
Māori leaders are backing the government plans to extend level four a bit longer.
But there are fears that even three more weeks of heightened restrictions will spell the end for some Māori… Audio
Health Ministry Māori Response Action plan under criticism
The Ministry of Health has released its Māori Response Action plan to Covid-19, but Māori health experts have strongly criticised it, saying it needs to be urgently resuscitated.
Most of the $56… Audio
A Conversation with Dr Wayne Ngata - Tikanga Māori
Marae are only as strong as it's people, that's according to Dr Wayne Ngata who agrees that Tikanga Māori is in the most part about doing what is practical. In the wake of the Covid 19 lockdown many… Audio
Te Waonui for week ending Friday 17 April 2020
Time for a round-up of the Māori news for the week with our Te Manu Korihi team. Audio
Virus a stark reminder of Aotearoa's health inequities
New research has confirmed what Māori health experts have been warning since Covid-19 arrived on our shores.
Māori are more likely to die from the virus than any other ethnic group.
But now that New… Audio
Jacinta Ruru on bringing Tikanga Māori into legal education
Jacinta Ruru is New Zealand's first Māori Professor of Law and has taught at the University of Otago since 1999. She's also the co-director of Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga, a centre for research focused… Audio
'Pokarekare Ana' – join the nationwide singalong this weekend
This Saturday afternoon, the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra will host an online rendition of 'Pokarekare Ana'. Paraire Henare Tomoana, who composed the well-loved waiata, would be chuffed ecause the… Video, Audio
Tamihere and Ngarewa-Packer new Māori Party leaders
Former Labour Cabinet Minister John Tamihere and iwi leader Debbie Ngarewa-Packer are the new co-leaders of the Māori Party.
The party has been rebuilding after losing its two MPs at the 2017… Audio
Leaders concerned Māori will suffer more after lockdown
Māori leaders are worried their people will suffer higher rates of unemployment after the level four lockdown lifts.
Māori unemployment is currently 8.4 percent - double that of the national average… Audio
Thousands of students have been learning from home
Thousands of students have been learning from home today as schools re-open for term 2 - virtually.
The government unveiled a large distance learning package to support them last week.
Hohepa… Audio
Calls for separate package for Maori businesses
There are fears Māori will become the shock absorbers as the economy continues in its sharp downturn.
Māori own a significant proportion of assets in the primary sectors - with iwi organisations and… Audio
Coronavirus: Internet access a hurdle for kura kaupapa students
Internet access remains one of the biggest hurdles for distance learning among tamariki at kura kaupapa and Māori medium schools.
Thousands of students will start learning at home from today, and… Audio