Te Ao Māori
News and perspectives for and about tangata whenua in Aotearoa
Pressure intensifies on Ngāpuhi hapu over mandate
It's shaping up to be a big weekend - and a fraught one - as Ngāpuhi people wrestle with a new mandate proposal. There are 22 hui scheduled for hapū to vote on the plan to negotiate their Treaty… Audio
Gisborne iwi calls for apology at Cook commemorations
Ahead of celebrations to mark Captain Cook's arrival in New Zealand, a Gisborne iwi is demanding an apology for the atrocities he brought upon their people. The English explorer landed on the shores… Audio
Could iwi bank become the next Kiwibank?
Māori Council is calling on iwi to come together to establish a Māori Bank because Māori are being let down and shut out by the four big Australian owned banks. Audio
In conversation with Māori artists Marilynn Webb and Isaac James Te Reina Cleland
Every year, Creative New Zealand pays tribute to Māori artists at the Te Waka Toi Awards. Justine Murray meets two of this year's winners – internationally renowned printmaker Marilynn Webb and… Video, Audio
‘Radical changes’ for Māori Television news
Māori Television is replacing news and current affairs shows next year with a 'Māori Media Hub' to deliver news online and on TV. Mediawatch asks its chief editor why - and how that will be done. Audio
Te Waonui for week ending 23 November 2018
The Taxpayers Union is under fire for saying the government shouldn't give koha - because it's not transparent - There are calls for Maori prison rehabilitation programmes with only a third of New… Audio
Te Amiorangi creates Kotuku festival to support rangatahi
A youth group in the Auckland of suburb Glen Innes is using kapa haka to bring its community together after a decade of turbulent changes. Video, Audio
Pride Parade sponsors 'blackmailing' gay community - Rākete
A group supporting the ban on Police wearing uniforms in the Auckland pride parade says businesses who pull out of sponsorship are effectively blackmailing the gay community. Emmy Rākete from People… Video, Audio
Hawera blackface float: Mayor's part disappointing - iwi leader
The iwi leader who drew attention to the blackface float in the Hawera A&P Show parade says the South Taranaki District Mayor shouldn't have to resign for being part of a judging panel that awarded it… Audio
Iwi leaders slam Taxpayers' Union for koha comments
The Taxpayers' Union is being slammed for saying the government shouldn't give koha because it's not-transparent and could be used to buy Māori support. But that's being shut down by politicians and… Audio
Kiwaha - Give it a go! Episode 8
Kiwaha/Give it a go! A chance to learn a few super simple sayings in te reo Maori that you can use in your everyday conversations. Produced by Shannon Haunui-Thompson and Guyon Espiner. Audio
Dearth of Māori rehab programmes in prisons questioned
Fewer than a third of the country's prisons provide intensive Māori focused rehabilitation. That's despite Māori making up more than half of the country's prison population. But former prisoners told… Audio
Remembered by Māori, the legacy of Parihaka should be known by Pakeha
Historian Rachel Buchanan and Māori leader Mahara Okeroa talk with Maria Bargh about the 1881 invasion of Parihaka and the implications of Taranaki land confiscations today. Audio
Gabrielle Baker: institutional racism an awkward conversation
Gabrielle Baker is a Maori health expert and advocate for a pro-equity, anti-racist health system. She is a former public servant who now works as a consultant with a range of health sector agencies… Audio
The Mixtape: DLT and MC B-Ware of Upper Hutt Posse
Wellington hip-hop pioneers Upper Hutt Posse have just been inducted into the Hall of Fame. Members Darryl Thomson aka, DLT and Bennett Pomana, aka MC B-Ware, joined us to reminisce and select songs… Video, Audio
Te Waonui for week ending 16 November 2018
Māori abused in state care fear their voice won't be heard after the Government widen its inquiry to include faith based institutions - The crown's overlapping treaty settlement policy will be… Audio
Prison officer refuses to remove shoes at marae tangi
A Serco prison officer is being labelled rude and anti-Maori for refusing to take his shoes off when he escorted an inmate on to an Auckland marae for the tangi of Herbs musician Tama Renata. The… Audio
Abuse inquiry change will help Māori voices - Murray Heasley
A spokesperson for survivors of abuse in faith-based institutions says extending the inquiry scope will strengthen voices not diminish them. Some Māori abused in state care say they will be silenced… Audio
Abuse inquiry: Some Māori disappointed at widened scope
Māori abused in state care say they will be silenced in the government inquiry now it's to include abuse by the churches. The Royal Commission will be expanded to include faith-based institutions as… Audio
VIDEO PREMIERE: 'He Iti' by Kaaterama Pou
RNZ Music is proud to premiere the video for 'He Iti', from one of Aotearoa's brightest young Māori singers, Kaaterama. 'He Iti' is the first single from Kaaterama's debut EP Shine Your Light, which… Video
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