Te Ao Māori
News and perspectives for and about tangata whenua in Aotearoa
Importance of culturally proficient teachers
How important is it to pronounce a student's name properly?. Dr Punita Rice is an education researcher and academic adviser with John Hopkins University in the US. She has very firm views on teachers… Audio
The history of Māori and visiting British royalty
It's Royal Tour season, and many New Zealanders are giddily anticipating the Duke and the arrival of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. But what is the significance of a visit by the British royals for… Audio
Tini Molyneux: Leading from the front
Tini Molyneux (Ngai Tūhoe) was the face of Māori broadcasting for decades as a presenter on Te Karere, Marae and as One News Māori Affairs correspondent. She got her first job in TV after an editor… Audio
Galleries of Maoriland: a reciprocal relationship
Art historian Roger Blackley's new book Galleries of Maoriland offers a fresh perspective on the colonial art world. Former curator of Historical New Zealand Art at the Auckland Art Gallery Roger… Audio, Gallery
Sir Ngatata Love farewelled in private ceremony
Controversial Māori leader Sir Ngatata Love died last week surrounded by his loved ones at the age of 81. He was cremated in a private ceremony before many even knew he had passed away. Te Manu Korihi… Video, Audio
Māori leader Sir Ngātata Love dies, aged 81
The Wellington iwi leader Sir Ngātata Love has died, aged 81. He lead Te Puni Kōkiri, the Ministry of Māori Development, and was an Emeritus Professor at both Massey University and Victoria University… Audio
Dr Patu Hohepa and Edna Pahewa
This week Te Ahi Kaa talks about the past present and future of the Maori language with linguist Dr Patu Hohepa, and Edna Pahewa talks about the work of her mum, renowned weaver Emily Schuster and her… Audio
Te Ahi Kaa for week ending Friday 19 October 2018
Maori Media could be in for a major shake-up with the government undertaking its first review in 20 years ----- A number of hapu in the Far North reject a new proposal to negotiate Ngapuhi treaty… Audio
Kīwaha - Give it a go! Episode 6
Kiwaha/Give it a go! A chance to learn a few super simple sayings in te reo Maori that you can use in your everyday conversations. Produced by Shannon Haunui-Thompson and Guyon Espiner. Audio
Hip hop trailblazers, UHP enter Hall of Fame
For the last three decades Upper Hutt Possehave been using their music to challenge the status quo and fight for social justice. They first made waves in 1988 when they released Aotearoa's first real… Video, Audio
Ngapuhi hapu spurn proposed new mandate model
Resistance appears to be growing in the Far North to a new proposal to negotiate Ngapuhi treaty claims. The Treaty Negotiations Minister Andrew Little has been working for months to break through the… Audio
Using DNA to study human migrations a winner
Lisa Matisoo-Smith, from the University of Otago, has won the 2018 Mason Durie Medal for her work using DNA to understand the migration of people to Aotearoa. Audio
Che Fu: 20 years since his debut album 2b S.Pacific
Twenty years on from the release of his debut album 2b S.Pacific, we speak to Che Fu about how getting kicked out of Supergroove lit a fire that helped him create his landmark album and become the… Audio
Time for Tikanga to be recognised as a system of law?
The winner of the annual science awards's Early Career Research Excellence Award for Humanities says he'd like to see Tikanga Māori recognised as a system of law itself. Victoria University's Dr… Audio
E Tū: Thirty years on
In 1988 Upper Hutt Posse released 'E Tū'. It was Aotearoa's first rap record. Te Kupu, the voice behind the Posse, and key members of Aotearoa's hip-hop community talk about the impact of the… Video, Audio
Māori media optimistic review will boost funding
Māori media could be in for a major shake-up, with the government undertaking its first review in 20 years. Those at the forefront, including Māori Television and the Māori Radio Network are… Audio
Mana motuhake at centre of Waitangi Tribunal health inquiry
Mana motuhake or self-determination for Māori health services is at the centre of a Waitangi Tribunal health inquiry which began on Monday. The Wai 2575 Health Services and Outcomes inquiry kicked off… Audio
Victoria University lecturer takes racist emails to police
A Māori Language lecturer at Victoria University has complained to police after receiving what he calls a string of racist emails. One sender told Vini Olsen-Reeder te reo Māori was an ugly language… Audio
Hapū to be convinced on Ngapuhi Treaty deal - Little
The Treaty Negotiations Minister acknowledges there are still plenty of hapū in the Far North who are yet to be convinced that the new proposed mandate for settling a treaty claim with Ngāpuhi is the… Audio
Foraging with Chef Charles Royal
Chef Charles Royal began as a cook in the army, which lead to four years as a Gourmet Chef with Air New Zealand, a restaurant owner in Paraparaumu and Rotorua, and today as the owner of Kinaki, a… Audio