Te Ao Māori
News and perspectives for and about tangata whenua in Aotearoa
The ex-miner bringing Ngāi Tahu sustainability knowledge to Canterbury farmers
For hundreds of years, Māori have strategically tended, harvested and protected food resources around Te Waihora (Lake Ellesmere) in Canterbury. Today, local farmers are learning these same indigenous… Video, Audio
Te Waonui for week ending Friday 14 September 2018
E whai ake nei - Coming up on Te Waonui a report shows whanau are lacking support from the government in nurturing te reo Maori in schools, young Maori speak out against being called "plastic" because… Audio
Maori Language Week
Maori Language Week, and Professor Rawinia Higgins compares the reo to Gollum's 'Precious' on Stuff today , but of course Gollum's obsession with Precious was his downfall. Audio
'I need to speak Māori to the kids better, and longer'
RNZ's Māori Strategy Manager Shannon Haunui-Thompson began learning te reo at high school, but it was having children that motivated her to become fluent. Shannon talks to Jesse Mulligan about her… Audio
Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori: Purea Nei with LINZ
And that's our programme for Friday and for Te Wiki o Te Reo Maori - almost. We've been talking a lot about how to speak te reo, but to end this week, we've decided to bring you a little bit of… Video, Audio
Kīwaha episode 5: Karawhiua! Give it a go!
We've been schooled up all this week on Kīwaha - slang phrases in te reo - by Shannon Haunui-Thompson and Guyon Espiner. Here's the final korero from Shannon and Guyon. Audio
Ka mua, ka muri - walking backwards into the future
"Ka mua, ka muri" is a whakatauki that many will know means "walking backwards into the future" - the idea we should look to the past to inform the future. We started this week talking to Dame Naida… Video, Audio
Manaaki nomination a saucy boost for marae
A group of 'Aunties' from Marlborough's Omaka Marae have made it to the finals of this year's New Zealand Artisan Awards with their range of Māori-inspired condiments. Manaaki (named after the te reo… Audio
Lack of te reo teachers
It's Te Wiki o te Reo Maori, a time to celebrate te reo and it's reviatlisation. But in the discussion about how to keep the language alive there is a problem - a lack of Maori language teachers. Audio
Different cultures deliver an ode to the moon
People from a range of cultures will join together this weekend to share an Ode to the Moon. Video, Audio
He aha te ingoa o tēnā maunga? What is the name of that mountain?
A famous mountain gets two new names. Was this a messy compromise or a farsighted decision? Or is it still too early to tell? Produced by Justin Gregory. Audio
Kīwaha - Give it a go! Episode 5
Kīwaha/Give it a go! A chance to learn a few super simple sayings in te reo Maori that you can use in your everyday conversations. Produced by Shannon Haunui-Thompson and Guyon Espiner. Audio
McDonald's staff member told to stop speaking Māori
McDonald's worker Janine Eru Taueki says she was told to stop using te reo Māori when greeting customers after management received complaints from customers and staff. Audio
McDonalds u-turn after worker told to zip te reo Maori
Janine Reu-Taueki who works at a McDonalds in Hamilton says she was told by management not to speak te reo because of complaints from customers and staff.The rationale is that it was rude of her to… Audio
Some history on te reo Māori lessons
For te wiki o te reo Māori, Sarah Johnston takes us on a jaunt through the Ngā Taonga Sound and Vision archives to explore how people learnt te reo in the past. Audio
Kīwaha episode 3: Karawhiua! Give it a go!
Areare ōu taringa - listen up and karawhuia - give it a go with today's Kīwaha. Shannon Haunui-Thompson and Guyon sat down and recorded a few of their favourites. Check out the series in your podcasts… Audio
Māori make less than 5 percent of university academics
Māori academics are few and far between with the latest figures showing people with Māori whakapapa make up less than five percent of all university academics in Aotearoa. That means many experience… Audio
How to learn te reo Māori with Anton Matthews
It's Māori language week - Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori. Ia rā o te wiki nei kei te korero mātou ki tētahi mātanga reo Māori. Every day this week we are talking to a Māori language expert and today Susie… Audio
Tribunal report on Te Rohe Pōtae 'a huge thing for our people'
A Maniapoto leader says a Waitangi Tribunal report has opened up the conversation about what happened to his ancestors and his people in King Country.
The first report into the large Te Rohe Pōtae… Audio
Food on table a higher need than te reo Māori for many - Tobin
Ngāpuhi educator Evelyn Tobin says te reo Māori isn't a priority for many Māori in Northland - because they're too busy trying to survive. Evelyn Tobin, is a strong advocate of Ngā Puhi reo and… Audio