Te Ao Māori
News and perspectives for and about tangata whenua in Aotearoa
"Māori dont have a middle class" - John Tamihere
Social services in New Zealand are an antiquated relic of the British Empire and have failed to serve Māori for the past 60 years, but hope can be found in community-led services, former Labour MP… Audio
Te Waonui for week ending Friday 7 September 2018
Coming up Te Waonui --- Marama Fox resigns as the co-leader of the Maori Party, Health experts are calling for greater conversations about racism to improve Maori health and the next generation of… Audio
Tiki Towns: teaching practical Maori for Te Wiki o te reo Māori
Sonny Ngatai is the host of the Sky TV series Tiki Towns, and along with his two young co-hosts Bobbie and Te Ataakura, he's on a mission to get Kiwis up to speed on the pronunciation and history of… Audio
'Kia kaha te kōrero i te reo Māori' - Pou Temara
Staff from Te Pua Wānanga ki te Ao at the University of Waikato are challenging broadcasters to stop butchering te reo Māori. Members of the Faculty of Māori and Indigenous Studies want the… Audio
How to get waiata fit! A step-by-step guide to singing at your workplace
If you know how to mutter 'Ka Mate' under your breath ahead of an All Blacks game then the next logical step is to learn a waiata. Living in Aotearoa New Zealand means that sometime in your life you… Video, Audio
Hapū voices making mark on Auckland mainstream boardrooms
The next generation of Māori leaders is looking to shape the future of Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland - and they don't want to just rely on their iwi to have their voices heard. Mihi Blair and Tom Irvine… Audio
Keeping te Reo alive
Māori language doyens Sir Timoti Karetu and Professor Scotty Morrison on the resurgence of te reo Māori and safeguarding it for future generations. Audio
Waitematā health board doubles Māori workforce
The Waitematā District Health Board has doubled the number of Māori nurses in three years and is set to double its entire Māori workforce. Since 2015, the number of Māori staff members at the DHB has… Audio
Standing up for Te Reo Māori - reflections from founding member of the Te Reo Māori Society
John McCaffery was raised Irish Catholic and while his great grandfathers were fluent in Gaelic, and his father could understand it, it wasn't spoken in the home. This narrative is similar to the… Audio
Te Waonui for week endiing 31 August 2018
Maori students studying medicine at the University of Otago say they are fed up with the ignorance they face over the way they are selected into their second year of study, the country celebrates the… Audio
Hato Petera, the school with one student, to close
The fight to keep Māori Catholic boarding school Hato Petera open has come to an end - with the Minister of Education Chris Hipkins announcing its doors will close. Audio
12 year old singer set to wow when worlds collide with the APO
At only 12 years old, Rotorua school girl Zeeah Rona Waerea-Tamai is already hitting the right notes with the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra. She'll perform this weekend with the APO in South…
Māori medical students fed up with pathway ignorance
Māori students studying medicine at the University of Otago say they are fed up with the ignorance they face over the way they are selected into their second year of study. There are limited spaces in… Audio
Amber Curreen: te reo and the arts in NZ Theatre Month
September is the inaugural New Zealand Theatre Month and more than 450 shows will be put on around the country. Amber Curreen is an actor and producer who will be a big part of that: she's part of… Audio
'Kaumātua, kuia tried to lift us out of those dungeons'
Corrections Minister Kelvin Davis told this week's Criminal Justice Summit Maori must lead the change in the criminal justice system. Maori make up 16 percent of the overall population, but are 51… Audio
Sergeant George Nepia finally home after 64 years
A journey home which has been 64 years in the making has finally come to an end for the whanau of Sergeant George Nepia. The eldest son of the All Black legend George Nepia was one of 27 soldiers… Audio
Willie Jackson backs oldest Māori radio station's bid for survival
The country's oldest Māori radio station has called upon former broadcaster Willie Jackson to save it from closure. Te Upoko o Te Ika, based in central Wellington, has been running for 33 years but… Audio
Māori King responds to Kīngitanga critics
Supporters of the Kīngitanga say the movement is here to stay and have backed the Māori King, who finally responded to criticism of his office and his leadership. Thousands of people have been in… Audio
Kai-A Miro with Leigh Marama McLaughlan
RNZ's Maori News Corresponent, Lee Marama McLaclan joins us for a catch up on the big Maori stories of the moment. Audio