Te Ao Māori
News and perspectives for and about tangata whenua in Aotearoa
Māori seats may be impacted by low Census turnout
A Māori data group says the low Census turnout could have a major impact on the number of Māori seats in Parliament. Early Census 2018 results show only 90 percent of individuals responded, and the… Audio
Songs of the Spirit
Methodist lay-preacher John Thornley joins us once again to explore the spiritual side of songs. In this episode, the music of Ariana Tikao. Audio
Insight: Should te reo Māori be compulsory in school?
RNZs Maori News Correspondent Leigh-Marama Mclachlan asks, could compulsory te reo Māori in schools reduce racism? Audio
Waiata: how traditional Māori knowledge is captured in song
Composer and academic Taiarahia Black gives us an insight into traditional Māori music. Audio
Music 101 Pocket Edition 198: Tash Sultana/This Sporting Life
In this week's Pocket Edition, Kirsten Johnstone speaks with Australian multi-instrumentalist Tash Sultana. Flying Nun act This Sporting Life return from a thirty five year hiatus, and Sianne… Audio
Live: Sianne Dougherty in session
Hutt Valley singer Sianne Dougherty performs her single 'Azaelea' and chats to Yadana Saw about breaking stereotypes. Video, Audio
Te Waonui for week ending Friday 27 July 2018
Maori drawings that are 200 years old have been restored for a special overseas exhibition - An application for the country's biggest chicken farm in Northland has hit a major roadblock - And Maori… Audio
Māori sketches restored after 200 years
Auckland Libaries has restored 200 year old Māori sketches - which were some of the first materials to teach the world about the Māori culture and language. The drawings will be lent to the Royal… Audio
DNA in fossil bone fragments reveals NZ's lost world
Bags of bone fragments are casting a genetic spotlight on New Zealand's lost natural world, and on the impact of early Polynesians on its biota. Audio
Our Changing World for 26 July 2018
Ancient e-DNA from bits of old bones is shedding new light on New Zealand's "lost world" and the impact of humans, and concerns about Te Papa's natural history collections. Audio
Māori adviser role 'not a substitute' for Māori ward
A Hawke's Bay regional councillor says a new Māori advisor role will not do enough to ensure Māori representation. The creation of the job follows the council's narrow rejection last year of a Māori… Audio
Tuku Morgan welcomes Māori King office's serious fraud inquiry
A Serious Fraud Office investigation in to the office of the Māori King is being welcomed by his former spokesperson. The SFO raided King Tūheitia's headquarters on Tuesday, and reportedly removed… Audio
Learning Te Reo with help from a Ukelele
Roimata Smail is a lawyer but in her spare time she writes songs in Te Reo for teachers to use in primary schools. She came up with the idea after her husband, a teacher, complained that he didn't… Audio
Māori flocking to te reo classes
Huge numbers of Māori are going back to school later in life to learn te reo. Many have sent their children to Maori immersion schools and feel their own identity is incomplete without the language… Audio
Protest in Kaikohe over leadership of Ngapuhi runanga
About 50 people marched down the town's main street, banners flying and placards waving, with hapu members saying they're fed up with the leadership of the Ngapuhi runanga and want change. Video, Audio
Male Māori actor called for next Bond villain henchman
A leaked casting call for the newest Bond film - Bond 25 - is calling for a male Māori actor. The call sheet was obtained by fan site MI6 and calls for a Māori actor between 35 and 55 with advanced… Audio
Environmentalists push for commissioner at Horizons council
Environment Minister David Parker is under pressure to install an independent Commissioner at the Manawatu-Whanganui Regional Council to force it to do more to clean up polluted lakes and rivers. The… Audio
Hepi Mita: piecing together Merata Mita's life
Merata Mita was a pioneering Maori filmmaker and activist who was a champion of women in indigenous film. Her son Hepi Mita is an archivist, whose father is filmmaker Geoff Murphy. Hepi has created a… Audio
Te Waonui for week ending Friday 20 July 2018
Coming up on Te Wao Nui - Coming up on Te Wao Nui - Tertiary institutions could lose funding if they fail to show how they will improve pass rates for Maori and Pasifika, Far North hapu leaders are… Audio
Ngāpuhi diaspora makes settlement talks difficult - Little
Hapu leaders in the north are challenging the Treaty Negotiations Minister Andrew Little to come back and front up to them over the deadlocked Ngapuhi settlement. Mr Little joins us with his response… Audio